Self-Care in Jewish Text
Rabbi Akiva ben Yoseph (c. 50-137 CE, Roman Judea)

(יד) הוא היה אומר, חביב אדם שנברא בצלם .חבה יתרה נודעת לו שנברא בצלם, שנאמר (בראשית ט), כי בצלם אלהים עשה את האדם.

(14) He would say: Beloved is the person, created in the image of God. A deeper love is revealed to those created in God's image, as it says (Genesis 9:6) "for in God's own image God made humankind."

Babylonian Talmud (multigenerational, edited c. 500 CE, modern Iraq)
מאי דכתיב (בראשית ב, ז) וייצר יי אלהים את האדם בשני יודי"ן שני יצרים ברא הקב"ה אחד יצר טוב ואחד יצר רע

Why is the Torah written, "Then the Lord God formed the Earthling" (Gen. ii. 7) with [the word vayyetzer ("and God formed")] being spelled with two letters yod? The Holy One of Blessing created two impulses, one good and the other evil.

(יא) שלשה מביאין לידי דאגה. צער גדול. וגדול צפרנים. ובגדים פצועים:

Three things bring anxiety: great pain, long fingernails, and ripped clothing.

(משלי יב, כה) דאגה בלב איש ישחנה

רבי אמי ורבי אסי,

חד אמר: ישחנה מדעתו

וחד אמר: ישיחנה לאחרים

§ The Gemara explains another verse in Proverbs: “If there is anxiety in a man’s heart, let him quash it [yashḥena]” (Proverbs 12:25). Rabbi Ami and Rabbi Asi dispute the verse’s meaning. One said: He should forcefully push it [yasḥena] out of his mind. One who worries should banish his concerns from his thoughts. And one said: It means he should tell [yesiḥena] others his concerns, which will lower his anxiety.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel 20th cent. (as quoted by Rabbi Arthur Green)

"Why are we forbidden to make images of God? It is not because God is beyond all images, so that no image could possibly depict God. If that were the case, images would merely be harmless. God has and image, and that is you. You may not make the image of God because you are the image of God. The only medium in which you can make God's image is the medium of your entire life, and that is precisely what we are commanded to do. Everything you do, everything you say, each moment and the way you use it are all part of the way you build God's image. To take anything less than a full, living human being - like canvas or a piece of marble - and call it the image of God would be to diminish God, to lessen God's image.