7B Assignment 1/30

Name: _______________________

Please work in pairs to answer these questions

(ט) איזו היא אבדה, מצא חמור או פרה רועין בדרך, אין זו אבדה, חמור וכליו הפוכין, פרה רצה בין הכרמים, הרי זו אבדה. החזירה וברחה החזירה וברחה, אפילו ארבעה וחמשה פעמים חיב להחזירה שנאמר (דברים כב, א) השב תשיבם. היה בטל מסלע, לא יאמר לו תן לי סלע, אלא נותן לו שכרו כפועל בטל. אם יש שם בית דין, מתנה בפני בית דין, אם אין שם בית דין, בפני מי יתנה. שלו קודם.

(9) What is a lost object? If one found a donkey or a cow grazing along the path, this is not a lost object; a donkey with its gear overturned, a cow running between vineyards, this is a lost object. If [the finder] returned the animal and it ran away, he returned it and it ran away, even four or five times, he is obligated to return it; as the Torah states, (Deuteronomy 22:1) "You shall surely return them." If [the finder's] lost time is worth a sela, he should not say to him [the owner]: "Give me a sela;" but he should give him his wage like an idle laborer. If there is a court there, he may bring it before the court; if there is not a court there before which to bring it, his own [need] takes precedence.

Why do you think the grazing animal on the side of the road is not considered lost? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Give me a modern day scenario of a "donkey with its gear overturned?"


Do you agree with the rule that says you must return a lost animal multiple times? Why or why not?


Please explain how you understand the last part of this mishna
