Parshat Re'eh 5782
ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם היום ברכה וקללה - לפי שנאמר (דברים ל׳:י״ט) החיים והמות נתתי לפניך הברכה והקללה, שמא יאמרו ישראל, הואיל ונתן הקב"ה לפנינו שני דרכים דרך החיים ודרך המות - נלך באיזו מהם שנרצה? ת"ל ובחרת בחיים למען תחיה אתה וזרעך! משל לאחד שהיה יושב בפרשת דרכים, והיו לפניו שני שבילים: אחד שתחלתו מישור וסופו קוצים, ואחד שתחלתו קוצים וסופו מישור; והיה מודיע את העוברים ואת השבים, ואומר להם: שאתם רואים שביל שתחילתו מישור - בשתים ושלש פסיעות אתה מהלך במישור, וסופו לצאת בקוצים; ואתם רואים שביל זה שתחלתו קוצים - בשתים ושלש פסיעות אתה מהלך בקוצים, וסופו לצאת במישור. כך אמר להם משה לישראל: אתם רואים את הרשעים שהם מצליחים - בשנים ושלשה ימים הם מצליחים בעולם הזה, וסופו לדחות באחרונה; שנאמר (משלי כד) כי לא תהיה אחרית לרע, ואומר (קהלת ד) הנה דמעת העשוקים, ואומר (קהלת ד) הכסיל חובק את ידיו, ואומר (משלי ד) דרך רשעים באפילה. והם רואים את הצדיקים, כשהם מצטערים בעולם הזה - בשנים ושלשה ימים מצטערים, וסופן לשמוח באחרונה; שנאמר (דברים ח) להטיבך באחריתך, ואומר (קהלת ז) טוב אחרית דבר מראשיתו, ואומר (ירמיה כט) כי אני ידעתי את המחשבות אשר אני חושב, ואומר (תהלים צז) אור זרוע לצדיק, (משלי ד) אורח צדיקים כאור נוגה.
(Devarim 11:26) "Behold, I set before you this day blessing and curse": Because it is written (Ibid. 30:19) "The life and the death have I set before you, the blessing and the curse," lest Israel say: Since the Holy One Blessed be He has set before us two ways, the way of life and the way of death, we can choose whichever we wish; it is, therefore, written (Ibid.) "and you shall choose the life, you and your seed." An analogy: A man is sitting at the crossroads, with two paths stretching before him, one, whose beginning is level and whose end is thorns, and one whose beginning is thorns and whose end is level. He apprises the passersby: This path whose beginning you see to be level — for two or three steps you will walk on level ground, and, in the end, on thorns. And this path whose beginning you see to be thorny — for two or three steps you will walk in thorns, and in the end you will walk on level ground. Thus did Moses speak to Israel: You see the wicked prospering — For two or three days they will prosper in this world, and in the end, they will be cast away, as it is written (Proverbs 24:20) "For there is no (good) end for the wicked one," and (Koheleth 4:1) "Behold, the tears of the oppressed (in Gehinnom)." And (Ibid. 5) "The fool folds his hands together (in contentment), and, (in the end) he eats his own flesh." And it is written (Proverbs 4:19) "The way of the wicked is pitch darkness." They see the righteous suffering in this world. Their end is to rejoice, viz. (Devarim 8:16) "to benefit you in your latter end." And it is written (Koheleth 7:8) "Better the end of a thing than its beginning." And (Jeremiah 29:11) "For I (the L-rd) know the thoughts that I think concerning you … to give to you a (goodly) end and a hope." And it is written (Psalms 97:11) "Light is sown for the righteous one," and (Proverbs 4:18) "The path of the righteous is like shining light."

Deuteronomy: Religious Centralization or Decentralization? by Dr. Baruch Alster

For more than two centuries, most biblical scholars have understood cult centralization (i.e. requiring all sacrifices to be offered from one central Temple) as being one of the main themes of the book of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy’s law code (chs. 12-26) begins, in Parashat Re’eh, with the commandment to restrict sacrifices only to “the place that the Lord your God will choose out of all your tribes to put His name there” (Deut. 12:5).

The late Israeli scholar Moshe Weinfeld (1925-2009), however, has argued that the central cult is not the focus of the book’s religious program, but rather observance of divine commandments. In Deuteronomy, the covenant between God and Israel is maintained by Israel’s loyalty to God’s laws; worship at the temple plays only a supporting role.

Deuteronomy’s commandments hardly deal with sacrifices, but rather with day-to-day actions done at home, throughout the land God has given to Israel. Indeed, the chosen place is often contrasted with “your gates” (שעריך), a synecdoche for “towns.” For example, in the tithing laws (14:22-29), the standard tithe, to be eaten in the “place the Lord will choose,” is contrasted with the triennial tithe, to be made use of at home. Although Deuteronomy does have a number of laws that are Temple or Jerusalem focused, I would argue that, if anything, Deuteronomy’s interest is in downplaying Temple or cultic rules and emphasizing the day to day religious observance of the average Israelite.

Why Chicken and Cheese Became Prohibited But Chicken and Egg Remained Permitted by Dr. Jordan D. Rosenblum

In the Second Temple period, we have evidence that at least one Jew, the philosopher Philo of Alexandria, understood this biblical injunction literally, i.e., a prohibition to boil a baby animal in its own mother’s milk, and saw in it a lesson in ethics. Philo argues that it is so easy to avoid eating the meat of a baby animal with milk that literally comes from the udder from which it nursed, that only cruel people with no sense of compassion would go out of their way to do this:

…it was grossly improper that the substance which fed the living animal should be used to season and flavour the same after its death, and that while nature provided for its conservation by creating the stream of milk and ordaining that it should pass through the mother’s breasts as through conduits, the license of man should rise to such a height as to misuse what had sustained its life to destroy also the body which remains in existence.

If indeed anyone thinks good to boil flesh in milk, let him do so without cruelty and keeping clear of impiety. Everywhere there are herds of cattle innumerable, which are milked everyday by cowherds, goat-herds and shepherds, whose chief source of income as cattle rearers is milk, sometimes liquid and sometimes condensed and coagulated into cheese; and since milk is so abundant, the person who boils the flesh of lambs or kids or any other young animal in their mother’s milk, shows himself cruelly brutal in character and gelded of compassion, that most vital of emotions and most nearly akin to the rational soul.

According to Philo, if you were to cook meat from a baby animal in milk that comes from another mother, then that would not violate this taboo and would be “kosher.” Philo could not have possibly meant to include fowl in this prohibition, since mother birds do not produce milk.

(ד) בְּשַׂר בְּהֵמָה טְהוֹרָה בַּחֲלֵב בְּהֵמָה טְהוֹרָה, אָסוּר לְבַשֵּׁל וְאָסוּר בַּהֲנָאָה. בְּשַׂר בְּהֵמָה טְהוֹרָה בַּחֲלֵב בְּהֵמָה טְמֵאָה, בְּשַׂר בְּהֵמָה טְמֵאָה בַּחֲלֵב בְּהֵמָה טְהוֹרָה, מֻתָּר לְבַשֵּׁל וּמֻתָּר בַּהֲנָאָה. רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא אוֹמֵר, חַיָּה וָעוֹף אֵינָם מִן הַתּוֹרָה, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר, לֹא תְבַשֵּׁל גְּדִי בַּחֲלֵב אִמּוֹ, שָׁלשׁ פְּעָמִים, פְּרָט לְחַיָּה וּלְעוֹף וְלִבְהֵמָה טְמֵאָה. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי הַגְּלִילִי אוֹמֵר, נֶאֱמַר (דברים יד), לֹא תֹאכְלוּ כָל נְבֵלָה, וְנֶאֱמַר (שם), לֹא תְבַשֵּׁל גְּדִי בַּחֲלֵב אִמּוֹ. אֶת שֶׁאָסוּר מִשּׁוּם נְבֵלָה, אָסוּר לְבַשֵּׁל בְּחָלָב. עוֹף, שֶׁאָסוּר מִשּׁוּם נְבֵלָה, יָכוֹל יְהֵא אָסוּר לְבַשֵּׁל בְּחָלָב, תַּלְמוּד לוֹמַר בַּחֲלֵב אִמּוֹ, יָצָא עוֹף, שֶׁאֵין לוֹ חֲלֵב אֵם:

(4) It is prohibited to cook the meat of a kosher animal in the milk of any kosher animal, not merely the milk of its mother, and deriving benefit from that mixture is prohibited. It is permitted to cook the meat of a kosher animal in the milk of a non-kosher animal, or the meat of a non-kosher animal in the milk of a kosher animal, and deriving benefit from that mixture is permitted. Rabbi Akiva says: Cooking the meat of an undomesticated animal or bird in milk is not prohibited by Torah law, as it is stated: “You shall not cook a kid in its mother’s milk” (Exodus 23:19, 34:26; Deuteronomy 14:21) three times. The repetition of the word “kid” three times excludes an undomesticated animal, a bird, and a non-kosher animal. Rabbi Yosei HaGelili says that it is stated: “You shall not eat of any animal carcass” (Deuteronomy 14:21), and in the same verse it is stated: “You shall not cook a kid in its mother’s milk.” This indicates that meat of an animal that is subject to be prohibited due to the prohibition of eating an unslaughtered carcass is prohibited for one to cook in milk. Consequently, with regard to meat of birds, which is subject to be prohibited due to the prohibition of eating an unslaughtered carcass, one might have thought that it would be prohibited to cook it in milk. Therefore, the verse states: “In its mother’s milk,” excluding a bird, which has no mother’s milk.

לוי איקלע לבי יוסף רישבא אייתו לקמיה רישא דטיוסא בחלבא ולא אמר להו ולא מידי כי אתא לקמיה דרבי אמר ליה אמאי לא תשמתינהו אמר ליה אתריה דרבי יהודה בן בתירא הוא ואמינא דרש להו כרבי יוסי הגלילי דאמר יצא עוף שאין לו חלב אם:
The Gemara relates: Levi happened to come to the house of Yosef the bird hunter [rishba]. They served him the head of a peacock [tayvasa] in milk and he did not say anything to them. When Levi came before Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi said to him: Why did you not excommunicate these people who eat bird meat cooked in milk, contrary to the decree of the Sages? Levi said to him: It was in the locale of Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira, and I said: Perhaps he taught them that the halakha is in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yosei HaGelili, who said that the phrase “in its mother’s milk” serves to exclude a bird, which does not have mother’s milk. If so, I could not prohibit it to them, and I certainly could not excommunicate them for following their ruling.