Bnei Moshe: Search for the Lost Levites

Medieval Legends

בראשית רבתי פרשת ויצא

אמר ר' יודא בר סימון לא למקום שגלו י' השבטים גלה שבט יהודה ובנימין, י' השבטים גלו לפנים מנהר סבטיון ושבט יהודה ובנימין גלו והיו מפוזרין בכל הארצות. וי"א הלוים בני משה הם חונים לפנים מנהר סבטיון.

אמרו רבותינו בשעה שגלו ישראל לבבל ובאו להם לפרת כד"א על נהרות בבל גו' (תהלים קל"ז א') אמרו אומות העולם ללוים, עמדו לפני ע"ז ואמרו שירה כדרך שהייתם משוררים בבית המקדש. אמרו להם הלוים שוטים שבעולם אלמלא אמרנו שירה על כל נס ונס שעשה לנו הקב"ה לא גלינו מארצנו, אלא הוסיף לנו כבוד על כבודנו וגדולה על גדולתנו, ונאמר שירה לפני ע"ז. מיד עמדו עליהם והרגו מהם תלי תלים. ואעפ"י שהרגו מהם הרבה, גדולה היתה השמחה שלא עבדו ע"ז, לכך נאמר ותוללינו שמחה (שם ג'). מה עשו הלוים שנשארו, קצצו אצבעותיהם כדי שלא יקישו בכנורות, וכשהיו אומרים שוררו היו מראים אצבעותיהם מקוצצים ואומרים להם איך נשיר ואצבעותינו מקוצצים. כיון שבא הלילה ירד הענן וכסה עליהם ועל נשיהם ובנותיהם ובניהם והאיר להם הקב"ה בעמוד אש והוליכם כל הלילה עד אור הבקר והניחם על שפת הים. כיון שזרח השמש נסתלק הענן ועמוד האש, והמשיך הקב"ה לפניהם נחל א' שמו סבטיון וסגר בפניהם כדי שלא יוכל אדם לעבור אליהם. (והיה) [והים] סובב עליהם מהלך ג' חדשים על ג' חדשים (ו)מרובע, ומצד (האחר) [האחד] לא היה סובב כל הרוח והמשיך הקב"ה אותו נהר וסגר בפניהם, ותחום אותו נהר מאתים אמה. והנהר היה מלא חול ואבנים ומושך חול ואבנים ועושה רעש גדול בלילה מהלך חצי יום, ומושך החול והאבנים כל ששת ימי המעשה ובשבת ינוח.

ומיד תעלה אש מע"ש עד מ"ש מצד הנחל והאש לוהטת ולא יוכל אדם להגיד אליה אל הנחל כמהלך מיל, ומלהט[ת] האש כל צמח סביב הנחל עד שמטאטאת הארץ. ואותם הלוים מבני משה הם, והיו עומדים לפנים מן הנחל. ואין ביניהם בהמה טמאה ולא חיה טמאה ולא שום רמש האדמה ועמהם צאן ובקר, ויש אצלם עוד שש מעינות ויתקבצו כלם לאגם א' וישקו מהם ארצם, ובאותו אגם ישרצו כל מיני דגים, ועל המעינות ועל האגם יפרחו כל מיני עופות טהורים, ועמהם כל מיני פירות והם זורעים וקוצרין, וזורעין א' וקוצרין מאה. והם היו בעלי אמונה, בעלי תורה, בעלי משנה ואגדה, והם היו חכמים חסידים וקדושים, ואינן נשבעין לשקר וחייהם ק"כ שנה, ולא ימות להם בן או בת בחיקוק אביהם ורואין ג' וד' דורות, והם בעצמם בונים בתים וחורשין וזורעין, לפי שאין להם עבדים ושפחות, ואין סוגרין בתיהם לילה, ונער קטן הולך עם בהמתו מהלך כמה ימים ואין מתירא לא מן הלסטים ולא מחיה רעה ולא מן רמש האדמה ולא מן השדים ולא מכל דבר רע, מפני שהם קדושים ועדיין הם עומדין בקדושתו של מרע"ה. לפיכך נתן להם הקב"ה את כל זאת ובחר בהם, ואינם רואים שום אדם ולא שום אדם [רואה] אותם, אלא ד' שבטים בלבד, דן ונפתלי גד ואשר שהם יושבים מעבר לנהרי כוש.

Bereshit Rabbati Parshat VaYetzei

Rabbi Yudah ben Simon said: The tribes of Judah and Benjamin were not exiled to the same places that the other ten tribes were exiled. The ten tribes were exiled to the far side of the Sambation River, but the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were exiled and disbursed throughout all the lands. And there are those who says that the Levites, the Children of Moshe (Bnei Moshe) are encamped on the far side of the the Sambation River.

Our rabbis said: In the hour that Israel was exiled to Babylon and they arrived at the Prat River (as it [Psalms] says "on the rivers of Babylon...") the nations of the world said to the Levites: "Stand in front of this idolatry and sing songs in the manner which you used to sing in the Temple"

The Levites responded: Simpletons of the Earth! If we had sung songs for every miracle that God did for us, we would not have been exiled from our land but rather God would have added honor to our honor and greatness to our greatnes. And we would say song in front of idolitry?!

Immediately they [the nations] stood on them and killed heaps and mounds [of Levites]. And even though many of them were killed there was great joy that they did not worship idolitry. Thus it says "and her mounds are joy." What did the remaining Levites do? They cut down their finger so they could not play the harps. And when they [the nations] would say "Sing!" they [the Levites] would show their fingers and say "how can we sing etc." when our fingers are cut short?

When the night came, the cloud descended and covered them and their women and their daughters and their sons. And God lit them the path with a pillar of fire and they walked the entire night until the light of the day and he set them on the bank of the sea. When the sun shone the cloud and the pillar of fire departed and God stretched out before them a river called the Sambation and closed it around them so no man could cross over to them. And it encircled them for three months on each side in a square. And on the other side {unclear phrase} God continued the river and closed it around them. The depth of that river is two hundred cubits. The river is full of sand and rocks, and it drags sand and rocks and makes a loud rumbling at night (whose noise carries) a distance of half a day’s journey. It drags sand and rocks all during the six days on which one is permitted to labor, but on the Sabbath it rests. Then a fire emerges from the side of the valley,and the fire burns from the eve of Sabbath until its end, and no one is able to approach it; that is, the valley any closer than about a mile. The fire burns away all the vegetation surrounding the valley until the ground is swept clean. These are the levitical people of Moses, and they remain on the east side of the valley. No unclean domestic beast or wild animal or any type of pest can be found among them; they have with them (only) their flocks and cattle. They have moreover six springs whose waters they have collected into a pool, and they irrigate their land from them. In that pool all types of fish flourish, and by the springsand the pool fly all kinds of pure waterfowl. They enjoy all kinds of fruits: they sow and they harvest, and(the fertility of the land is such that) whoever plants one seed harvests a hundredfold. They are religiously observant, each of them learned in Torah, Mishnah, and Aggadah. They are pious sages and saints. None of them ever swears a false oath. They live to be one hundred and twenty years old, and a son or daughter never dies during the lifespan of their father: they (usually) witness the succession of three or four generations. They construct their own houses and do theirown plowing and sowing because they have no slaves or maidservants. They never lock their doors atnight. A very small child might go and tend their cattle for a number of days, and no one will be anxious, for there are no thieves or dangerous wild animals or pests, and there are no demons or anything that might cause harm. Because they are holy and still persist in the sanctity revealed by our teacher Moses, He (God) has granted all this to them and chosen them. They never interact with any other human beings, nor do any other humans interact with them, save for only four (Israelite) tribes: (those of) Dan, Naphtali, Gad, andAsher, who live ‘on the other side of the rivers of Cush.'

Beth HaMidrash, edited by Adolf Jellinek

They are religiously observant, learned in Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, and Aggadah. Their Talmud is in Hebrew, and this is how they teach: ‘Thus did our ancestors learn it, and thus did our sages learn it orally from Joshua b. Nun, (who learned it) orally from Moses, (who received it) orally from God.’ They know nothing about the tannaim or amoraim (whose floruit was) during the period of the Second Temple because they (i.e., their teachings) did not reach them and they have no knowledge of them. They only know how to speak Hebrew. They are stringent regarding the use of libation wine, and whereas the Rabbis were strict in the

halakhot pertaining to slaughter and the fitness of animals for sacrifice in accordance with theopinions of the scribes, Moses our Teacher was more stringent than the opinions of the scribes. They never swear oaths using the Name, and they become vocally angry with anyone who so swears in their presence. They upbraid them and say to them: ‘O wretches! How can you bear to mention the Name with your mouth? (Think of) all that has been on your mouth! Is it bread that you can eat it, or water that you can drink it? Do you not know that your children will die while they are young for the sin of swearing?’ Thus do they warn everyone to serve the Lord with awe and reverence and complete integrity. The ‘people of Moses, servant of the Lord’ have prolonged life-spans, living for one hundred or one hundred and twenty years. No daughter or son dies during the lifetime of their parent, and they attain (an age) reaching to the third or fourth generation (after them), personally seeing their children, grandchildren, and their descendants...

They possess moreover large quantities of silver and gold. They sow flax and raise the worm that yields scarlet coloring and manufacture beautiful garments and cloaks. Their population is twice or fourtimes that (of Israel) at the time of the Exodus, so many the number cannot be determined. The width of the River Sambatyon is two hundred cubits, ‘about a bowshot’s distance’ (Gen 21:16).

שאלה ותשובה בין אנשי קירואן ור' צמח גאון

נודיע לאדונינו כי נתארח בינינו אדם אחד ושמו אלדד הדני משבט דן, וספר לנו כי ארבעה שבטים הם במקום אחד, דן ונפתלי גד ואשר, שם המקום חוילה הקדומה אשר שם הזהב...ועוד סיפר לנו, כשחרב בית המקדש עלו ישראל לבבל, עמדו הכשדים על בני משה אמרו להם, שירו לנו משיר ציון...

בעסק ר' אלדד הדני ששלחם לפנינו, ואשר שמעתם ממנו, ספרו לנו חכמים ששמעו מן רבנא יצחק בן מר ורבנא שמחה שראו ר' אלדד הדני זה והיו תמהים מדבריו, שהיו במקצתן נראים כדברי חכמים שלנו ומקצתם היו מופלגין....

וכי בני משה אצלם ונהר סמבטיון מקיף עליהם - אמת אמר, שכך אומרים חז"ל במדרש שהגלה נבוכדנצר לוים בני משה ששים רבוא וכיון שהגיעו לנהרות בבל הם וכינוריהם אירע להם כמו שסיפר לכם ר' אלדד.

Responsa of Rav Tzemach ben Chayim Gaon of Sura to the Jews of Kairouan

We wanted to inform our master that a particular person visted our community by the name of Eldad the Dannite and told us that four tribes, Dan, Naftali, Gad, and Asher, all live in a single place called Huliah the Old where there is gold...He also told us that when the Temple was destroyed and Israel went to Babylon, the Cashdim stood on the Bnei Moshe ans told them to sing the psalms of Zion...

Response of Tzemach Gaon:

With regards to the issue of Rav Eldad the Dannite that you have sent to us, we heard from the sages who heard from Rav Yitzchak ben Mar and Rav Simcha that they saw this Eldad the Dannite and were surprised by his words since some of whta he said looked like the words of our sages and some were spurious...

Regarding the Bnei Moshe and the Sambation - that was true. The sages say that Nevuchadnetzar exiles 60,000 levites and when they reached the rivers of Babylon the events that Eldad the Dannite described indeed took place.

Talmudic Period Source Material

4 Ezra 13:39-47 (Syriac version)

And as for when you saw him summon and gather to himself another large multitude who were peaceful, these are the nine and one-half tribes who were led away captive from their land in the days of King Josiah, those whom Shalmaneser, king of the Assyrians, took captive. He took them to the other side of the Euphrates river, and they dwelt as captives in another land. However, they formed a plan among themselves and reached this counsel; namely, they would depart from the multitude of nations and travel to a remote country where none of the human race had lived since time began, for there they might even observe their laws which they neglected to observe in their homeland. They began their journey by the narrow entrances of the Euphrates, for then the Most High performed wonders for them and blocked the passages of the river until all of them had crossed over, so that they traveled on dry ground. It was a long journey to travel, a journey which lasted one and a half years. That place where they dwell is called Arzaf at the edge of the world. They live there until the final age, and then they are destined to come here again. The Most High will again block the passages of the Euphrates so they will be able to cross it. This is why you saw the gathered multitude who assembled peacefully.

Wars of the Jews, VII:5:1, Josehpus

Now Titus Caesar tarried some time at Berytus, as we told you before. He thence removed, and exhibited magnificent shows in all those cities of Syria through which he went, and made use of the captive Jews as public instances of the destruction of that nation. He then saw a river as he went along, of such a nature as deserves to be recorded in history; it runs in the middle between Arcea, belonging to Agrippa's kingdom, and Raphanea. It hath somewhat very peculiar in it; for when it runs, its current is strong, and has plenty of water; after which its springs fail for six days together, and leave its channel dry, as any one may see; after which days it runs on the seventh day as it did before, and as though it had undergone no change at all; it hath also been observed to keep this order perpetually and exactly; whence it is that they call it the Sabbatic River that name being taken from the sacred seventh day among the Jews.

ותקרא שמו יוסף לאמר יוסף ה' לי בן אחר, אחר לגלות. אמר רבי יהודה ב"ר סימון: לא למקום שגלו עשרת השבטים גלה שבט יהודה ובנימין. עשרת השבטים גלו לפנים מן נהר סמבטיון, שבט יהודה ובנימין מפוזרים בכל הארצות.

"And she called his name Joseph, saying: ‘God add to me another son'" - after the exile. Rabbi Yehuda ben Rabbi SImon said "The tribes of Yehuda and Binyamin were not exiled to the same place as the 10 tribes. The 10 tribes were exiled beyond the Sambation river, the tribes of Yehuda and Binyamin were scattered throughout the lands.

טורנוסרופוס הרשע שאל את רבי עקיבא, אמר: מה יום מיומים? ... א"ל הרי נהר סמבטיון יוכיח שמושך אבנים כל ימות השבת, ובשבת הוא נח

Quintus Tineius Rufus the Evil asked Rabbi Akiva "What is the difference between the [Sabbath] day and other days?"... He responded "The Sambation river will demonstrate, since it moves stones all the days of the week and rests on Shabbat."

תלמוד ירושלמי, סנהדרין פרק י

ר' ברכיה ור' חלבו בשם ר' שמואל בר נחמן לשלש גליות גלו ישראל אחד לפנים מנהר סנבטיון ואחד לדפני של אנטוכיא ואחדשירד עליהם הענן וכיסה אותם. כשם שגלו לשלש גליות כך גלו שבט ראובן וגד וחצי שבט מנשה לשלש גליות מה טעמא [שם כג לא] בדרך אחותךהלכת ונתתי כוסה בידך. וכשהן חוזרין הן חוזרין משלש גליות מה טעמא [ישעי' מט ט] לאמר לאסורים צאו אילו שגלו לפנים מנהר סנבטיון. לאשר בחשךהגלו אילו שירד עליהן הענן וכיסה אותם. ועל דרכים ירעו ובכל שפיים מרעיתם אילו שגלו לדפנא של אנטוכיא:

TP Sanhedrin 10:5

Rav Berakhiah and Rav Helbo in the name of Rav Samuel b. Nachman taught about three exiles which Israel experienced. One was to the east side of the River Sanbatyon, one was to Daphne of Antioch and one was when the cloud descended upon them and concealed them, which was the same as going into exile. What is the reason for the three exiles? ‘You have traveled the same path as your sister, hence I will put her cup in your hand’ (Ezek 23:31). When they repent, they will return from the three exiles.What is the meaning of ‘Say to the prisoners, Depart!’ (Isaiah 49:9)? These (prisoners) are those who were exiled beyond the River Sanbatyon 'to those in darkness, Become visible!’ These are those upon whom the cloud descended and concealed them. 'they will graze on the ways, and their pasturage will be on all the high places.' These are those who were exiled to Daphne of Antioch.

Evidence for Bnei Moshe in Xinjiang

Fernand Grenard, Jules-Léon Dutreuil de Rhins: Mission scientifique dans la haute Asie (1895) (translated by Jeremy Furchtgott)

Ulf Atâ left the Khârezm region with 6,000 men to go on a pilgrammige to Mecca. At Medina, he received orders from the prophet to convert to Islam the regions of Kumul, Turpan, and Karachar...

Resolving to march directly on Khotan, the Muslims made it to the Khotan River and began marching up it. But only a few days later, a sandstorm made them lose their way and after wandering around for a while, they reached the Keriya river and thus reached Yeshil Kul, a small lake located two leagues to the north of the current city of Keriya. Continuing upon their route, they reached the walls of Kenhan, mostly inhabited by Jews—the Muslims were only one one-hundredth of the population. The province of Kenhan included seven cities. Its prince was Turk Terkhan, who paid tribute de Nudun Khan. He was Jewish and a sorcerer and read the Gospel in his magical endeavors.

After defeating a group of 5,000 Kyrghyz Kalmak’s commanded by Turk Terkhan, the Muslims captured and pillaged the city of Ulugh Zerat. Then there was a great battle, where Cheikh Emir Djelal ed-din perished. The infidels surrendered and embraced Islam. However Turk Terkhan, using his spells, made his capital Kenhan invisible. Upon the prayers of the Muslims, God made this city to remain invisible until the day of the resurrection, and that its population should perish in final impenitence.

Ellsworth Huntington, The Pulse of Asia (1907)

In answer to my further inquiries as to the history of the region, Ismail Beg sent for a “tezgireh” like that of Imamla, a dull, but apparently accurate contemporary chronicle of the Mohammedan invasion. The chronicle describes how, in the tenth century, the Moslem invaders advanced along the line of oases from Kashgar through Yarkand and Khotan to Keriya. [...] Having conquered Chira, the invaders sacked Lachinata and Ulugh Mazar, or Terkhi Turkhan and Kenan, as they are also called.

It is proverbially unsafe to place much reliance upon legends. Students, however, are more and more recognizing that legendary stories contain a kernel of truth, which can be detected by comparing scientific facts with those details of the stories which would be least likely to be the product of imagination. Therefore the local legend of the destruction of Kenan or Ulugh Mazar is worth recording.

According to Ismail Beg and the people of Malakalagan, a holy Mohammedan priest came to Kenan one day, long after the driving out of the former Buddhist inhabitants, and found no one at home. Men, women, and children had all gone out to work on the canals. The holy man was hungry and tired. Being accustomed to live on the fat of the land, he was irritated at finding the houses shut and empty. He offered a prayer, which can hardly be supposed to have been pious, and began to turn a hand-mill standing in a courtyard, whereupon sand rained down from heaven. It ceased to fall when the troubled villagers, having seen it from afar, came hastening home and supplied the good man’s wants. Nevertheless, the visitation proved fatal. From that time onward the water supply decreased, until at last the people of both Lachinata and Kenan abandoned their houses and fields, and moved to old Dumuka and Ponak, which had remained uninhabited since the Buddhist inhabitants fled northward across the desert."

Mishpacha Magazine, 2010

When he met two Pakistani teenagers at the northern border of China, Rabbi Yitzchak Chinagel was certain that he was about to receive yet another confirmation of a theory of his — something he had long suspected to be the case. Although they looked and acted like Muslims, these teens originated from a town deep in Pakistan — a town where, Rav Chinagel feels certain, hundreds of thousands of descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel live today.

Rav Chinagel discussed this possibility with a group of Americans who searched for the Ten Tribes and the Bnei Moshe about thirty-five years ago. That group possessed two maps, one of German origin that delineated an area in northern China as “Moshe,” and another of American origin which labeled the same area as “Moses.” These maps would serve as the basis for Rabbi Chinagel’s search as well. ... . A local travel agent named Abdul escorted us through the area, which is mostly inhabited by Muslims.

"He [an old imam] did tell us a little more about Nisa, whose residents, he explained, do not seem to be Muslims, because they never attend services at the mosque. ‘They claim that there is no need to believe in the prophet Muhammad, since they had a prophet called Moshe Rabbeinu who preceded him by many years,’ the imam said, without having an inkling that that was exactly the information we sought. There in the mountains,” he said, pointing in a general direction, “there are people who are exceptionally tall, and have glowing faces. They appear every so often during market day to sell animals and merchandise. We try to speak to them, but they don’t respond; they won’t tell us who they are or what they do. They only speak about their merchandise, and even then, only when there’s no other choice.”