מי כאן הלל?
הדף מאת: רועי הורן / בית מדרש אלול
הלל הזקן הוא דמות ייחודית בתולדות ישראל. בשיעור זה ננסה לעמוד על אופיו החידתי משהו - מניין נובעת הסובלנות המיוחדת שלו? מה אפשר לומר על תפיסתו העצמית? על תפיסתו את גופו? מה אנו יכולים ללמוד ולקחת מדמות מופלאה זו?
אמרו עליו על הלל הזקן שבכל יום ויום היה עושה ומשתכר בטרפעיק, חציו היה נותן לשומר בית המדרש, וחציו לפרנסתו ולפרנסת אנשי ביתו. פעם אחת לא מצא להשתכר, ולא הניחו שומר בית המדרש להכנס. עלה ונתלה וישב על פי ארובה כדי שישמע דברי אלהים חיים מפי שמעיה ואבטליון. אמרו: אותו היום ערב שבת היה, ותקופת טבת היתה, וירד עליו שלג מן השמים. כשעלה עמוד השחר אמר לו שמעיה לאבטליון: אבטליון אחי! בכל יום הבית מאיר, והיום אפל, שמא יום המעונן הוא? הציצו עיניהן וראו דמות אדם בארובה, עלו ומצאו עליו רום שלש אמות שלג. פרקוהו, והרחיצוהו, וסיכוהו, והושיבוהו כנגד המדורה. אמרו: ראוי זה לחלל עליו את השבת
They said about Hillel the Elder that each and every day he would work and earn a half-dinar, half of which he would give to the guard of the study hall and half of which he spent for his sustenance and the sustenance of the members of his family. One time he did not find employment to earn a wage, and the guard of the study hall did not allow him to enter. He ascended to the roof, suspended himself, and sat at the edge of the skylight in order to hear the words of the Torah of the living God from the mouths of Shemaya and Avtalyon, the spiritual leaders of that generation. The Sages continued and said: That day was Shabbat eve and it was the winter season of Tevet, and snow fell upon him from the sky. When it was dawn, Shemaya said to Avtalyon: Avtalyon, my brother, every day at this hour the study hall is already bright from the sunlight streaming through the skylight, and today it is dark; is it perhaps a cloudy day? They focused their eyes and saw the image of a man in the skylight. They ascended and found him covered with snow three cubits high. They extricated him from the snow, and they washed him and smeared oil on him, and they sat him opposite the bonfire to warm him. They said: This man is worthy for us to desecrate Shabbat for him. Saving a life overrides Shabbat in any case; however, this great man is especially deserving. Clearly, poverty is no excuse for the failure to attempt to study Torah.
ראשיתו של הלל הזקן כמי שהתחיל את דרכו מתחתית החבית החברתית.
  • שערו לעצמכם: מה ההשפעות העשויות להיות להתחלה מעין זו על המשך דרכו כמנהיג ומורה דרך בישראל?
"והעמידו תלמידים הרבה"
"והעמידו תלמידים הרבה" (אבות א, א) שבית שמאי אומרים אל יִשְנֶה אדם אלא למי שהוא חכם ועניו ובן אבות ועשיר.
ובית הלל אומרים לכל אדם יִשְנֶה, שהרבה פושעים היו בהם בישראל ונִתקרבו לתלמוד תורה, ויצאו מהם צדיקים חסידים וּכְּשרים.
[And raise up many students.] For the House of Shammai, say: One should teach only a person who is wise, humble, of good pedigree, and rich. But the House of Hillel say: Teach everyone, for there were many sinners in Israel, and they were brought close to Torah study, and they came out righteous, kind, and proper.
  • האם לדעתך יש קשר בין סיפור חייו של הלל הזקן לעמדתו כאן המאפשרת לכל תלמיד לבוא וללמוד?
  • הסבר את עמדת בית שמאי!
  • האם אכן היית נותן לבנך ללמוד עם כל תלמיד? האם אנו מוכנים לקבל כל אדם ליישוב שבו אנו מתגוררים?
תנו רבנן: לעולם יהא אדם ענוותן כהלל ואל יהא קפדן כשמאי.
מעשה בשני בני אדם שהמרו זה את זה, אמרו: כל מי שילך ויקניט את הלל - יטול ארבע מאות זוז.
אמר אחד מהם: אני אקניטנו.
אותו היום ערב שבת היה, והלל חפף את ראשו. הלך ועבר על פתח ביתו, אמר: מי כאן הלל? מי כאן הלל?
נתעטף [=הלל] ויצא לקראתו. אמר לו: בני, מה אתה מבקש?
אמר לו: שאלה יש לי לשאול. אמר לו: שאל בני, שאל!
מפני מה ראשיהן של בבליים סגלגלות? -
אמר לו: בני, שאלה גדולה שאלת - מפני שאין להם חיות פקחות.
הלך והמתין שעה אחת, חזר ואמר: מי כאן הלל? מי כאן הלל?
נתעטף [הלל] ויצא לקראתו. אמר לו: בני, מה אתה מבקש?
אמר לו: שאלה יש לי לשאול. אמר לו: שאל בני, שאל!
מפני מה עיניהן של תרמודיין תרוטות?
אמר לו: בני, שאלה גדולה שאלת - מפני שדרין בין החולות.
הלך והמתין שעה אחת, חזר ואמר: מי כאן הלל? מי כאן הלל?
נתעטף ויצא לקראתו. אמר לו: בני, מה אתה מבקש? -
אמר לו: שאלה יש לי לשאול. - אמר לו: שאל בני, שאל!
מפני מה רגליהם של אפרקיים רחבות? - אמר לו: בני, שאלה גדולה שאלת - מפני שדרין בין בצעי המים.
אמר לו: שאלות הרבה יש לי לשאול, ומתירא אני שמא תכעוס.
נתעטף [הלל] וישב לפניו, - אמר לו: כל שאלות שיש לך לשאול - שאל.
אמר לו: אתה הוא הלל שקורין אותך נשיא ישראל? - אמר לו: הן.
אמר לו: אם אתה הוא - לא ירבו כמותך בישראל. - אמר לו: בני, מפני מה?
אמר לו: מפני שאבדתי על ידך ארבע מאות זוז.
אמר לו: הוי זהיר ברוחך, כדי הוא הלל שתאבד על ידו ארבע מאות זוז וארבע מאות זוז - והלל לא יקפיד
What did David do? Every Shabbat he would sit and learn all day long to protect himself from the Angel of Death. On that day on which the Angel of Death was supposed to put his soul to rest, the day on which David was supposed to die, the Angel of Death stood before him and was unable to overcome him because his mouth did not pause from study. The Angel of Death said: What shall I do to him? David had a garden [bustana] behind his house; the Angel of Death came, climbed, and shook the trees. David went out to see. As he climbed the stair, the stair broke beneath him. He was startled and was silent, interrupted his studies for a moment, and died. Since David died in the garden, Solomon sent the following question to the study hall: Father died and is lying in the sun, and the dogs of father’s house are hungry. There is room for concern lest the dogs come and harm his body. What shall I do? They sent an answer to him: Cut up an animal carcass and place it before the dogs. Since the dogs are hungry, handling the animal carcass to feed them is permitted. And with regard to your father, it is prohibited to move his body directly. Place a loaf of bread or an infant on top of him, and you can move him into the shade due to the bread or the infant. And is it not appropriate what Solomon said: “For a living dog is better than a dead lion.” The ultimate conclusion of this discussion is that life is preferable to death. And now, with regard to the question that I asked before you; Rav Tanḥum spoke modestly, as, actually, they had asked him the question. A lamp is called ner and a person’s soul is also called ner, as it is written: “The spirit of man is the lamp [ner] of the Lord” (Proverbs 20:27). It is preferable that the lamp of a being of flesh and blood, an actual lamp, will be extinguished in favor of the lamp of the Holy One, Blessed be He, a person’s soul. Therefore, one is permitted to extinguish a flame for the sake of a sick person. Since contradictions in Ecclesiastes were mentioned, the Gemara cites additional relevant sources. Rav Yehuda, son of Rav Shmuel bar Sheilat, said in the name of Rav: The Sages sought to suppress the book of Ecclesiastes and declare it apocryphal because its statements contradict each other and it is liable to confuse its readers. And why did they not suppress it? Because its beginning consists of matters of Torah and its end consists of matters of Torah. The ostensibly contradictory details are secondary to the essence of the book, which is Torah. The Gemara elaborates: Its beginning consists of matters of Torah, as it is written: “What profit has man of all his labor which he labors under the sun?” (Ecclesiastes 1:3), and the Sages of the school of Rabbi Yannai said: By inference: Under the sun is where man has no profit from his labor; however, before the sun, i.e., when engaged in the study of Torah, which preceded the sun, he does have profit. Its ending consists of matters of Torah, as it is written: “The end of the matter, all having been heard: Fear God, and keep His mitzvot; for this is the whole man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13). With regard to this verse, the Gemara asks: What is the meaning of the phrase: For this is the whole man? Rabbi Eliezer said: The entire world was only created for this person. Rabbi Abba bar Kahana said: This person is equivalent to the entire world. Shimon ben Azzai says and some say that Shimon ben Zoma says: The entire world was only created as companion to this man, so that he will not be alone. And to the essence of the matter, the Gemara asks: What is the meaning of: Its statements that contradict each other? It is written: “Vexation is better than laughter” (Ecclesiastes 7:3), and it is written: “I said of laughter: It is praiseworthy” (Ecclesiastes 2:2), which is understood to mean that laughter is commendable. Likewise in one verse it is written: “So I commended mirth” (Ecclesiastes 8:15), and in another verse it is written: “And of mirth: What does it accomplish?” (Ecclesiastes 2:2). The Gemara answers: This is not difficult, as the contradiction can be resolved. Vexation is better than laughter means: The vexation of the Holy One, Blessed be He, toward the righteous in this world is preferable to the laughter which the Holy One, Blessed be He, laughs with the wicked in this world by showering them with goodness. I said of laughter: It is praiseworthy, that is the laughter which the Holy One, Blessed be He, laughs with the righteous in the World-to-Come. Similarly, “So I commended mirth,” that is the joy of a mitzva. “And of mirth: What does it accomplish?” that is joy that is not the joy of a mitzva. The praise of joy mentioned here is to teach you that the Divine Presence rests upon an individual neither from an atmosphere of sadness, nor from an atmosphere of laziness, nor from an atmosphere of laughter, nor from an atmosphere of frivolity, nor from an atmosphere of idle conversation, nor from an atmosphere of idle chatter, but rather from an atmosphere imbued with the joy of a mitzva. As it was stated with regard to Elisha that after he became angry at the king of Israel, his prophetic spirit left him until he requested: “But now bring me a minstrel; and it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him” (II Kings 3:15). Rav Yehuda said: And, so too, one should be joyful before stating a matter of halakha. Rava said: And, so too, one should be joyful before going to sleep in order to have a good dream. The Gemara asks: Is that so, that one should introduce matters of halakha joyfully? Didn’t Rav Giddel say that Rav said: Any Torah scholar who sits before his teacher and his lips are not dripping with myrrh due to fear of his teacher, those lips shall be burnt, as it is stated: “His lips are as lilies, dripping with flowing myrrh [shoshanim notefot mor over]” (Song of Songs 5:13)? He interpreted homiletically: Do not read mor over, flowing myrrh; rather, read mar over, flowing bitterness. Likewise, do not read shoshanim, lilies; rather, read sheshonim, that are studying, meaning that lips that are studying Torah must be full of bitterness. The Gemara explains: This is not difficult, there is no contradiction here, as this, where it was taught that one should introduce matters of halakha joyfully, is referring to a rabbi, and that, where it was taught that one must be filled with bitterness, is referring to a student, who must listen to his teacher with trepidation. And if you wish, say instead that this and that are referring to a rabbi, and it is not difficult. This, where it was taught that he must be joyful, is before he begins teaching, whereas that, where it was taught that he must be filled with bitterness and trepidation, is after he already began teaching halakha. That explanation is like that which Rabba did. Before he began teaching halakha to the Sages, he would say something humorous and the Sages would be cheered. Ultimately, he sat in trepidation and began teaching the halakha. And, the Gemara continues, the Sages sought to suppress the book of Proverbs as well because its statements contradict each other. And why did they not suppress it? They said: In the case of the book of Ecclesiastes, didn’t we analyze it and find an explanation that its statements were not contradictory? Here too, let us analyze it. And what is the meaning of: Its statements contradict each other? On the one hand, it is written: “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him” (Proverbs 26:4), and on the other hand, it is written: “Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes” (Proverbs 26:5). The Gemara resolves this apparent contradiction: This is not difficult, as this, where one should answer a fool, is referring to a case where the fool is making claims about Torah matters; whereas that, where one should not answer him, is referring to a case where the fool is making claims about mundane matters. The Gemara relates how Sages conducted themselves in both of those circumstances. As in the case of that man who came before Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi and said to him: Your wife is my wife and your children are my children, Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi said to him: Would you like to drink a cup of wine? He drank and burst and died. Similarly, the Gemara relates: There was that man who came before Rabbi Ḥiyya and said to him: Your mother is my wife, and you are my son. He said to him: Would you like to drink a cup of wine? He drank and burst and died. Rabbi Ḥiyya said with regard to the incident involving Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi: Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi’s prayer that his children will not be rendered mamzerim, children of illicit relations, was effective for him. As when Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi would pray, he said after his prayer: May it be Your will, O Lord, my God, that You will deliver me today from impudent people and from insolence. Insolence, in this case, refers to mamzerut. It was due to his prayer that that man burst and was unsuccessful in disparaging Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi’s children. In matters of Torah, what is the case with regard to which the verse said that one should respond to a fool’s folly? As in the case where Rabban Gamliel was sitting and he interpreted a verse homiletically: In the future, in the World-to-Come, a woman will give birth every day, as it says: “The woman with child and her that gives birth together” (Jeremiah 31:7), explaining that birth will occur on the same day as conception. A certain student scoffed at him and said: That cannot be, as it has already been stated: “There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Rabban Gamliel said to him: Come and I will show you an example of this in this world. He took him outside and showed him a chicken that lays eggs every day. And furthermore: Rabban Gamliel sat and interpreted a verse homiletically: In the future, in the World-to-Come, trees will produce fruits every day, as it is stated: “And it shall bring forth branches and bear fruit” (Ezekiel 17:23); just as a branch grows every day, so too, fruit will be produced every day. A certain student scoffed at him and said: Isn’t it written: There is nothing new under the sun? He said to him: Come and I will show you an example of this in this world. He went outside and showed him a caper bush, part of which is edible during each season of the year. And furthermore: Rabban Gamliel sat and interpreted a verse homiletically: In the future, the World-to-Come, Eretz Yisrael will produce cakes and fine wool garments that will grow in the ground, as it is stated: “Let abundant grain be in the land.” A certain student scoffed at him and said: There is nothing new under the sun. He said to him: Come and I will show you an example in this world. He went outside and showed him truffles and mushrooms, which emerge from the earth over the course of a single night and are shaped like a loaf of bread. And with regard to wool garments, he showed him the covering of a heart of palm, a young palm branch, which is wrapped in a thin net-like covering. Since the Gemara discussed the forbearance of Sages, who remain silent in the face of nonsensical comments, it cites additional relevant examples. The Sages taught in a baraita: A person should always be patient like Hillel and not impatient like Shammai. The Gemara related: There was an incident involving two people
  • כיצד מתפרשת כאן מידת הענווה?
  • האם הלל מבטל את עצמו? מה סוד השקט הנפשי של הלל?
  • נסה "להיכנס לראש" של הלל: מניין יש להלל את היכולת להישאר על מקומו המדוייק ולא להיגרר למערבולת המריבה?
תפיסת הענווה של הלל
השפלתי היא הגבהתי; הגבהתי היא השפלתי.
מה טעם?
'המגביהי לשבת המשפילי לראות'

  • נראה שלהלל תפיסת עצמי גבוהה מאוד, מעין זיהוי עצמי עם הבורא... על הבורא נאמר שבכל מקום שאתה מוצא גדולתו, שם מצויה ענוותנותו, ועם תכונה אלוהית זו הלל הזקן מזדהה...
  • כיצד יש להבין משפט חידתי זה?
  • כיצד הפסוק המצוטט תורם להבנת העניין?
שירו של הלל הזקן בשמחת בית השואבה
הלל הזקן אומר למקום שלבי אוהב לשם רגלי מוליכות אותי אם אתה תבא לביתי אני אבא לביתך אם אתה לא תבא לביתי אני לא אבא לביתך שנאמר (שמות כ) בכל המקום אשר אזכיר את שמי אבא אליך וברכתיך.
Saints and pious men were dancing before them with torches, and saying words of praise. What were they saying? Happy is he who has not sinned, and whoever has sinned shall be forgiven. Some of them were saying, Happy am I whose youth has not shamed my old age, this was said by the pious men. And others of them were saying, Happy am I whose old age can atone for my youth, this was said by the penitents.Hillel the Elder used to say : To the place which my heart loves, there my feet lead me. If you come to my house (says God), I will go to there. If you do not come to My house, then I will not go to there. For it is said, “In every place where I record My name I will come unto you, and I will bless you.”
הלך המחשבה במשפט סתום זה תואם ככל הנראה את המקור הקודם. הזיהוי בין העצמי של הלל לבין הבורא היא נקודה משמעותית למחשבה.

ככל הנראה מדובר במשפט עממי שאדם היה אומר לחברו - 'אם תבוא אלי - אבוא אליך..' הלל הזקן הוא שנטל משפט זה מ'חכמת הרחוב' והכניסו להקשר של קדושה, של בית המקדש ושמחת בית השואבה.

מה ביקש הלל הזקן לעשות במעשה זה? מיהו ה'דובר' בסיסמה של הלל? מהם שני הבתים במשפט זה? כיצד מתפרש הפסוק המצוטט על פי משפט זה?
יחס הלל לגופו
"גומל נפשו איש חסד" (משלי יא, יז):
זה הלל הזקן - שבשעה שהיה נפטר מתלמידיו היה מהלך והולך עמם.
אמרו לו תלמידיו: רבינו, להיכן אתה הולך?
אמר להם: לעשות מצוה.
אמרו לו: וכי מה מצוה זו?
אמר להן: לרחוץ בבית המרחץ.
אמרו לו: וכי זו מצוה היא?
אמר להם: הן מה אם איקונין של מלכים שמעמידים אותו בבתי טרטיאות ובבתי קרקסיאות, מי שנתמנה עליהם הוא מורקן ושוטפן והן מעלין לו מזונות ולא עוד אלא שהוא מתגדל עם גדולי מלכות,
- אני שנבראתי בצלם ובדמות דכתיב (בראשית ב, ו) "כי בצלם אלהים עשה את האדם" על אחת כמה וכמה!!
Another Thing: 'But if he is impoverished', here it is written, "The merciful man does good to his own soul (Proverbs 11:17)," this [refers to] Hillel the Elder, who, at the time that he was departing from his students, would walk with them. They said to him, "Rabbi, where are you walking to?" He said to them, "To fulfill a commandment!" They said to him, "And what commandment is this?" He said to them, "To bathe in the bathhouse." They said to him: "But is this really a commandment?" He said to them: "Yes. Just like regarding the statues (lit. icons) of kings, that are set up in the theaters and the circuses, the one who is appointed over them bathes them and scrubs them, and they give him sustenance, and furthermore, he attains status with the leaders of the kingdom; I, who was created in the [Divine] Image and Form, as it is written, "For in the Image of G-d He made Man (Genesis 9:6)," even more so!...
  • כיצד מתייחס הלל לגופו?
  • מדוע תלמידיו כה מתפלאים? מהו היחס השגרתי של אדם בכלל, ואדם דתי בפרט לגופו?
  • עמוד על פשר ההשוואה בין הפסלים הנושאים את צלמם של קיסרי רומי לבין גופו של האדם הנושא את צלמו של הבורא.
  • מהי תפיסת האלוהות הנובעת מאמירה רדיקלית מעין זו?
  • כיצד הלך מחשבה מעין זה עשוי להשפיע על חיינו? על היחס לגופנו, לבריאותנו וכיו"ב'?
שמאי והלל
תניא אמרו עליו על שמאי הזקן כל ימיו היה אוכל לכבוד שבת. מצא בהמה נאה אומר זו לשבת. מצא אחרת נאה הימנה מניח את השניה ואוכל את הראשונה. אבל הלל הזקן מידה אחרת היתה לו שכל מעשיו לשם שמים שנאמר (תהילים סח) "ברוך ה' יום יום". תניא נמי הכי בית שמאי אומרים מאחד שביך לשבתיך. ובית הלל אומרים "ברוך ה' יום יום".

  • שינוי נוסח - (הברייתא בשינויי נוסח במכילתא: דר' שמעון בר יוחאי כ, ח עמ' 148).
It is taught in a baraita: They said about Shammai the Elder that all his days he would eat in honor of Shabbat. How so? If he found a choice animal, he would say: This is for Shabbat. If he subsequently found another one choicer than it, he would set aside the second for Shabbat and eat the first. He would eat the first to leave the better-quality animal for Shabbat, which continually rendered his eating an act of honoring Shabbat. However, Hillel the Elder had a different trait, that all his actions, including those on a weekday, were for the sake of Heaven, as it is stated: “Blessed be the Lord, day by day; He bears our burden, our God who is our salvation; Selah” (Psalms 68:20), meaning that God gives a blessing for each and every day. That is also taught in a baraita in more general terms: Beit Shammai say: From the first day of the week, Sunday, start preparing already for your Shabbat. And Beit Hillel say: “Blessed be the Lord, day by day.”
  • מהו המובן העמוק של 'כל מעשיו לשם שמים' בהקשר הנדון?
  • כיצד אפשר לקשור את הרעיון המובא כאן למה שראינו לעיל, בתפיסת הגוף של הלל?
  • האם ביכולתך לגבש ולנסח את תפיסת העולם של הלל, הכוללת את מידת הענווה הייחודית שלו, הסובלנות המופלגת לזולת, תפיסת הגוף והרעיון המובא כאן שלפיו 'כל מעשיו לשם שמים'?
דף הנחיות למנחה:
מי כאן הלל - דף למנחה.doc