Comparing Siblings

(טז) וּלְלָבָ֖ן שְׁתֵּ֣י בָנ֑וֹת שֵׁ֤ם הַגְּדֹלָה֙ לֵאָ֔ה וְשֵׁ֥ם הַקְּטַנָּ֖ה רָחֵֽל׃ (יז) וְעֵינֵ֥י לֵאָ֖ה רַכּ֑וֹת וְרָחֵל֙ הָֽיְתָ֔ה יְפַת־תֹּ֖אַר וִיפַ֥ת מַרְאֶֽה׃

(16) Now Laban had two daughters: the name of the elder was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. (17) And Leah’s eyes were weak; but Rachel was of beautiful form and fair to look upon.

Why does the text start by comparing the sister? How does the act of comparison in this case set up the unequal relationship of the women in this story?

How does the act of comparison hurt or help relationships between women and men?

Read each of the commentaries below. How does each add meaning to the idea of the comparison of the sisters?

ועיני לאה רכות. שהיתה סבורה לעלות בגורלו של עשו ובוכה שהיו הכל אומרים שני בנים לרבקה ושתי בנות ללבן, הגדולה לגדול והקטנה לקטן:

"The eyes of Leah were soft". For she supposed that she would be fated to become Esau's [wife] and she wept. For everyone used to say: "Rebecca has two two sons; Lavan has two daughters - the older [daughter] for the older [son] and the younger [daughter] for the younger [son]."

וללבן שתי בנות - והפסיק תשובת דבריו של יעקב, כי לפי שהיה לו שתי בנות והקטנה מצאה חן בעיניו לפיכך [ביקש] את הקטנה.

וללבן שתי בנות, the Torah interrupted Yaakov’s narrative by telling us that seeing that Lavan had only two daughters and the younger one appealed to Yaakov, he asked her father for her hand in marriage.

רכות - נאות וור"ש בלע"ז. וכלה שעיניה נאות אין כל גופה צריך בדיקה. ועיניים שחורות אינן רכות כלבנות.
רכות, beautiful; our sages in Taanit 24 say that when a prospective bride has beautiful eyes, the bridegroom need not have the rest of her body checked out for possible blemishes. Black eyes are not considered as beautiful as white ones. [I suppose the reference is to blue ones. Ed.]
יפת תואר - כמו במחוגה יתארהו דפוס החוטם והמצח והפה והלחיים.
יפה תאר, as in Isaiah 44,13 במחוגה יתארהו, “he marks out a form with a stylus.” This is a reference to the shape of her nose, forehead, lips and cheeks.
ויפת מראה בצבע העור שהיה צח ואדום כי אמנם הצבע הוא מושג לחוש הראות:
ויפת מראה, her skin looked very healthy. Colour is something which attracts closer inspection by the sense of sight.

רכות ב' ועיני לאה רכות. אם ידבר אליך רכות. אף על פי כן לא היה אוהב אותה:

Soft. The eyes of Leah were soft. If she was spoken to softly. However, even when he saw her beautiful eyes, he did not love her.

ועיני לאה רכות, יפת תואר היתה אלא שעיניה היו רכות ודומעות,
ועיני לאה רכות, although her eyes were beautiful, they had a habit of breaking out in tears constantly. She was given to weeping excessively.
ועיני לאה רכות. לשון רך וטוב כלומר שהיתה נראית יפה מתוך שהיו עיניה יפות ונראית רכה וילדה אבל רחל היתה משובחת ביפיה אלא שהיו עיניה כואבות מן הבכי לפי שראתה שתפול לגורלו של עשו לפי שהיתה עקרה ויגרשנה יעקב וישאנה עשו:

ועיני לאה רכות, “Leah’s eyes were soft, so that due to her beautiful eyes she appeared beautiful all over,”[the expression רך appears next to טוב, “good, when” the calf served by Avraham to the angels in Genesis 18,7 is described) in contrast to Rachel, whose body was beautiful, but whose eyes detracted from this as she cried a lot, fearing that her lot would be to be married to Esau after Yaakov would divorce her due to her barrenness. (No source quoted for this unusual interpretation)

Which woman, Rachel or Leah, have you identified with or empathized with in the past? Why?

What kind of comparisons help build a person? Which kind destroy a person or a relationship?