אין ראוי להרחיק שום דבר המתנגד אל דעתו לאהבת החקירה וידיעה. ובפרט אותו שלא כוון לקנתר רק להגיד האמונה אשר אתו, אף אם הדברים הם נגד אמונתו ודתו אין לומר אליו אל תדבר ותסתום דברי פיך, שאם כן לא יהיה בירור הדת. ואדרבה דבר כמו זה אומרים תדבר ככל חפצך וכל אשר אתה רוצה וחפץ לומר, ולא תאמר אם היה אפשר לי לדבר הייתי מדבר יותר, כי אם עושה זה שסותם את פיו שלא ידבר זה הוא מורה על חולשת הדת כמו שאמרנו. ולכך דבר זה הפך מה שחושבים קצת בני אדם, כי חושבים כאשר אין רשאי לדבר על הדת הוא חזוק הדת ותוקף שלו, ואין זה כך כי העלם דברי המתנגד בדת אין זה רק בטול וחולשת הדת, כאשר אומרים סגור פיך מלדבר... שכך הוא ראוי כדי להעמיד על האמת לשמוע הטענות שאמרו לפי הדעת אשר אתם ולא כוונו לקנטר, ולכך אין ראוי לדחות דברי זולתו המתנגד לו, אבל ראוי לקרב אותם ולעיין בדבריו.

16th-century, Prague
It is proper, out of love of reason and knowledge, that you do not [summarily] reject anything that opposes your own idea, especially so if [your adversary] does not intend merely to provoke you, but rather to declare his beliefs. And even if such beliefs are opposed to your own faith and religion, do not say to him, “Speak not and keep your words.” Because if so, there will be no clarification of religion. Just the opposite, tell him to speak his mind and all that he wants to say so that he will not be able to claim that you silenced him. Anyone who prevents another from speaking only reveals the weakness of his own religion, and not as many think, that by avoiding discussion about religion you strengthen it. This is not so! Rather, the denial [of the right to speak] of one who opposes your religion is the negation and weakening of that religion… For the proper way to attain truth is to hear [others’] arguments which they hold sincerely, not out of a desire to provoke you. Thus it is wrong simply to reject an opponent’s ideas; instead, draw him close to you and delve into his words.


“To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians,” rabbinic statement signed by 30+ Orthodox rabbis, 2015


“Both Jews and Christians have a common covenantal mission to perfect the world under the sovereignty of the Almighty,” the statement declares. “Our partnership in no way minimizes the ongoing differences between the two communities and the two religions.”

World Jewish Congress statement on Muslim-Jewish Interfaith Dialogue, 2019

Dialogue with representatives of moderate Islam is one of the most important and challenging issues at this time. The increasing gap of understanding between so-called 'Western liberal democracies' and the Islamic word is a recipe for potential civil strife and possible violence. Discussion and debate between brethren who share a common root will lead to the realization that shared ideals, aspirations and values far outweigh any differences that may exist. Extremists represent only a small part of Islam. The vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving people who do not support or wish to engage in terrorist activities. Whilst combating the threats posed by 'Radical Islam' it is important to embrace the proponents of 'Moderate Islam' and to engage with them in open and constructive dialogue. Dialogue should not only be limited to a theological debate, but also to exchanges of views on sociological, cultural, diplomatic and political issues.