פרשת וירא תש"ה - הכנסת האורחים של אברהם
א. היראות ה' וביקור המלאכים
"וַיֵּרָא אֵלָיו ה' בְּאֵלֹנֵי מַמְרֵא וְהוּא ישֵׁב פֶּתַח הָאֹהֶל כְּחֹם הַיּוֹם"
And the LORD appeared unto him by the terebinths of Mamre, as he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;
"וַיִּשָּׂא עֵינָיו וַיַּרְא וְהִנֵּה שְׁלשָׁה אֲנָשִׁים נִצָּבִים עָלָיו וַיַּרְא וַיָּרָץ לִקְרָאתָם מִפֶּתַח הָאֹהֶל וַיִּשְׁתַּחוּ אָרְצָה"
and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood over against him; and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed down to the earth,
ד"ה וירָא אליו: לבקר את החולה. אמר רבי חמא בר חנינא: יום שלישי למילתו היה, ובא הקדוש ברוך הוא ושאל בשלומו.
וירא אליו AND THE LORD APPEARED UNTO HIM to visit the sick man. R. Hama the son of Hanina said: it was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, blessed be He, came and enquired after the state of his health (Bava Metzia 86b)
ד"ה באלוני ממרא: הוא שנתן לו עצה על המילה, לפיכך נגלה עליו בחלקו.
באלוני ממרא BY THE TEREBINTHS OF MAMRÉ — It was he (Mamre) who advised him (Abraham) regarding the circumcision and therefore He revealed himself to him in his (Mamre’s) territory (Genesis Rabbah 42:8).
ד"ה יֹשב: ישב כתיב, ביקש לעמוד, אמר לו הקדוש ברוך הוא: שב ואני אעמוד, ואתה סימן לבניך, שעתיד אני להתיצב בעדת הדיינין, והן יושבין, שנאמר (תהלים פ"ב א'): "אלוהים ניצב בעדת אל".
literally, יֹשֵׁב WAS SITTING — The word is written ישב (without the ו) and therefore may he translated “”he sat”: He wished to rise, but the Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, Sit and I will stand. You shall form an example to your descendants — that I, in time to come, will stand in the assembly of the judges while they will sit, as it is said, (Psalms 82:1) “God standeth in the assembly of the judges” (Genesis Rabbah 48:7)
ד"ה פתח האהל: לראות אם יש עובר ושב ויכניסם בביתו.
פתח האהל AT THE TENT-DOOR — that he might see whether anyone passed by, and invite him into the house
ד"ה כחום היום: הוציא הקדוש ברוך הוא חמה מנרתיקה שלא להטריחו באורחים, ולפי שראהו מצטער שלא היו אורחים באים, הביא המלאכים עליו בדמות אנשים.
כחום היום IN THE HEAT OF THE DAY — The Holy One, blessed be He, brought the sun out of its sheath that he might not be troubled by travellers, and when He perceived that he was grieved that no travellers came He brought to him angels in the form of men (Bava Metzia 86b).
ד"ה שלושה אנשים: אחד לבשר את שרה, ואחד להפוך את סדום, ואחד לרפאות את אברהם, שאין מלאך אחד עושה שתי שליחיות. תדע לך שכן כל הפרשה הוא מזכירן בלשון רבים (פסוק ח') "ויאכלו", (פסוק ט') "ויאמרו אליו", ובבשורה נאמר (שם י') "ויאמר שוב אשוב אליך", ובהפיכת סדום הוא אומר (י"ט כ"ב) "כי לא אוכל לעשות דבר", (שם כ"א), "לבלתי הפכי". ורפאל שריפא את אברהם הלך משם להציל את לוט, הוא שנאמר (שם י"ז) "ויהי כהוציאם אותם החוצה ויאמר הימלט על נפשך", למדת שהאחד היה מציל.
והנה שלשה אנשים AND BEHOLD THREE MEN — one to announce to Sarah the birth of a son, one to overthrow Sodom, and one to cure Abraham, for one angel does not carry out two commissions (Genesis Rabbah 50:2). You may know that this is so because throughout this section it (Scripture) mentions them in the plural — “and they ate” (Genesis 18:8), “and they said unto him” (Genesis 18:9) — whilst in the case of the announcement it states, (Genesis 18:10) “And he said, I will certainly return unto thee”, and with regard to the overthrow of Sodom it says (Genesis 19:22) “For “I” cannot do anything” and (Genesis 19:21) “that “I” will not overthrow [the city]”. Raphael who healed Abraham went thence to rescue Lot; that explains what is stated (Genesis 19:17) “And it came to pass when they had brought them forth, that he said, Escape for thy life”, for you learn from this that only one of these acted as Deliverer
ד"ה ויאמר אדוני אם נא וגו': לגדול שבהם אמר, וקראם כולם אדונים, ולגדול אמר: "אל נא תעבור", וכיון שלא יעבור הוא, יעמדו חבריו עמו, ובלשון זה הוא חול. דבר אחר: קודש הוא, והיה אומר להקדוש ברוך הוא להמתין לו עד שירוץ ויכניס את האורחים. ואף על פי שכתוב אחר (פסוק ב') "וירץ לקראתם", האמירה קודם לכן היתה, ודרך המקראות לדבר כן, כמו שפירשתי אצל (ו' ג') "לא ידון רוחי באדם", שנכתב אחר (ה' ל"ב) "ויולד נח", ואי אפשר לומר אלא אם כן קודם גזירת מאה עשרים שנה, ושתי הלשונות בבראשית רבה (מ"ח י').
'ויאמר אדני אם נא וגו AND HE SAID, MY LORD, IF NOW etc. — He addressed himself to the Chief of them; calling them all “lords”, (אדני may mean “my lords”), whilst to their Chief he said “Do not I pray thee pass away”, for he knew that if he would not pass by, his companions would certainly remain with him. In this explanation the word אדני has a “profane” sense (does not refer to God, being merely a term of address, “Sirs”) . Another explanation is that the word is “holy” (referring to God): he asked God to wait for him whilst he ran and invited the travellers. For although this is written after the words “and he ran to meet them”, yet the conversation took place beforehand. It, indeed, is the way of the Scriptures to speak in this manner as I have explained in my comment on “My spirit shall not strive” (Genesis 6:3) which is written after the passage. “And Noah begot” (Genesis 5:32) whereas it is impossible to say otherwise than that the decree of a respite of 120 years made in reference to this verse “My spirit shall not strive etc.” was twenty years before the birth of Noah’s sons.) Both these explanations of אדני are to be found in Genesis Rabbah 48:10 (see also Shevuot 35b).
רשב"ם, פסוק א':
ד"ה וירא אליו ה': האיך שבאו אליו שלושה אנשים שהיו מלאכים. שבהרבה מקומות כשנראה המלאך קוראו בלשון שכינה, כדכתיב "כי שמי בקרבו" - שלוחו כמותו. וכן "וירא מלאך ה' אליו בלבת אש מתוך הסנה" וכתוב שם "וירא ה' כי סר לראות".
רשב"ם, פסוק א':
ד"ה כחום היום: מה צורך לכתוב היום? אלא להודיעך כי בלוט כתיב "ויבואו המלאכים סדומה בערב", ולכך אמר להם לוט: "סורו נא אל בית עבדכם ולינו", אלא אברהם לפי שבאו אליו כחום היום בבוקר, שאין דרך אורחים ללון אלא לאכול ולעבור, לפיכך לא אמר להם ללון "וסעדו לבכם אחר תעבורו".
פסוק כ':
ד"ה ויאמר ה': המלאך לאברהם: שלוחים הללו אני שולח בשביל זעקת סדום, כמו שאמר למעלה "ואנשי סדום רעים וחטאים".
ד"ה עומד לפני: לפני המלאך לבקש פניו.
And the men turned from thence, and went toward Sodom; but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.
ד"ה השופט: ששלחך כאן לא יעשה משפט.
That be far from Thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, that so the righteous should be as the wicked; that be far from Thee; shall not the judge of all the earth do justly?’
ד"ה ויאמר ה': המלאך.
And the LORD said: ‘If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will forgive all the place for their sake.’
רמב"ם, (מובא ברמב"ן):
ד"ה ויאכלו (בתוך פסוק ב'): ויאכלו, נראו כמי שאכלו. ובספר מורה הנבוכים (ב' מ"ב) נאמר כי הפרשה כלל ופרט. אמר הכתוב תחילה כי נראה אליו ה' במראות הנבואה, ואיך היתה המראה הזאת, כי נשא עיניו במראה והנה ג' אנשים ניצבים עליו...
ד"ה ויאכלו: ... והנה פירוש הפרשה הזאת, אחרי שאמר כי בעצם היום הזה נמול אברהם (לעיל י"ז כ"ו), אמר שנראה אליו ה' בהיותו חולה במילתו, יושב ומתקרר בפתח אוהלו מפני חום היום אשר יחלישנו, והזכיר זה להודיע שלא היה מתכוין לנבואה לא נופל על פניו ולא מתפלל, ואף על פי כן באה אליו המראה הזאת.
And He appeared to him: The language of Rashi - to visit the sick man. Rabbi Hama the son of Hanina said, "It was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, blessed be He, came and inquired [about the state of his health]." "And behold, three men came" - the angels that came to him with the appearance of men were three - one to announce to Sarah [the birth of a son], one to cure Abraham and one to overthrow Sedom - and Raphael, who healed Avraham, went from them to save Lot, as this is not two assignments, because it was a different place and he was commanded afterwards or [because] they are both about saving (and therefore really one). "And they ate" - they appeared to be eating. And in the book, Guide for the Perplexed 2:4, it is said that the section is [presented in the style of] the general [followed] by the details: the verse first states that God appeared to him in prophetic visions and [then] how this prophetic vision was - that he lifted up his eyes in a vision and behold, three men were standing upon him. "And he said, 'If I have found favor in your eyes'" - this is the recounting of what he said in a prophetic vision to one of them, to the greatest one of them. And if in the vision the only thing that appeared was just three men eating meat, how could it state, "And God appeared to him?" As behold, God did not appear to him, not in a vision and not in thought. And it is not found like this in all of the prophecies. And behold, according to his words, Sarah did not knead cakes and Avraham did not fix the young cow, and also Sarah did not laugh. [Rather,] everything was a vision. And, if so, this dream came 'with much detail' like the false dreams, as what is the point in showing him all of this? And [the Guide there] also said about the matter of "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), that it was all a prophetic vision. And [if so,] I don't know why he limped on his thigh when he woke up, and why he said (Genesis 32:31), "For I have seen God face to face and He saved my soul"; as the prophets did not fear that they would die because of prophetic visions. And he already saw a greater and more glorious vision than this - as he even saw the glorious God many times in a prophetic vision (see further Genesis 28:13 and 31:3). And behold, according to his opinion, this would require [us] to say this in the matter of Lot - that the angels did not come to his house and he did not bake for them matsot and [that] they ate, but [rather] the whole thing was a vision. [But] how were the evil and sinful people of Sedom prophets? As [otherwise], who told them that people came to his house? And if it was all prophetic visions of Lot, [then] "and the angels pressed, etc. 'Get up, take your wife'" (Genesis 19:15), "and he said, 'escape for your life'"(Genesis 19:17), and "Behold, I have lifted up your face" (Genesis 19:21) and the whole section would be a vision. And Lot would have stayed in Sedom and [Rambam] would think that the acts would have been done on their own, and the statements in each and every thing were a vision. And these things contradict Scripture - it is forbidden to hear them, and even to believe them. And in truth, in all places in Scripture where the seeing of an angel or the word of an angel is mentioned, it is in a vision or in a dream - as the senses cannot perceive angels - but not prophetic visions. As one who [merely] perceives to see an angel or his word is not a prophet; as the matter is not as the teacher defines (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34, Mishneh Torah, Foundations of the Torah 7:6), that the prophecy of every prophet besides Moshe, our teacher, was through an angel. And they have already said about Daniel (Megilah 3a), "They are better than he, as they were prophets and he was not a prophet." And so his book was not written together with the books of the Prophets, because his matter was with [the angel,] Gavriel - even though he appeared to him and spoke to him in a waking state, as it is stated in the vision of the Second Temple (Daniel 9:21), "And I was still speaking in prayer and the man, Gavriel." And so [too], the vision of the final salvation was in a waking state, in his walking with his fellows "alongside the river" (Daniel 10:4). And [likewise] Hagar the Egyptian was not in the category of prophetesses, but it is also clear that her matter was not that of a bat kol (a sub-prophetic heavenly voice), as the teacher said (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34). And the verse distinguished between the prophecy of Moshe, our teacher, and the prophecy of the patriarchs, as it states (Exodus 6:3), "And I appeared to Avraham, to Yitschak and to Yaakov as God Almighty" - and this is one of the holy names of the Creator; it is not the appellation of an angel. And our rabbis also learned about the difference between them and said (Vayikra Rabbah 12:11), "What is [the difference] between Moshe and all the prophets? Our rabbis said, 'All of the prophets saw through a lens that is not polished, such that it is written (Hoshea 12:11), "and I increased the vision and through the prophets I appeared"; And Moshe saw through a polished lens, such that it is written (Numbers 12:8), "the picture of God does he see,"'" as it is explained in Vayikra Rabbah and in other places (Yevamot 49b). And in no place did they [attribute] their prophecies to an angel. And do not be astonished because it is written (I Kings 13:18), "I am also a prophet like you and an angel spoke to me with the word of the Lord, saying"; as its explanation is "I am also a prophet like you, and I know that the angel who spoke to me was with the word of the Lord." And this is one of the levels of the levels of prophecy, as the man of God [also] said (I Kings 13:9), "As so did He command me with the word of the Lord" and (I Kings 13:17) "as the word was to me in the word of the Lord." And our rabbis already said (Bemidbar Rabbah 20:3) about the matter of Bilaam who said, "And now if it is bad in your eyes" (Numbers 22:34), "I did not go until the Holy One, blessed be He, said to me, 'get up, go with them' (Numbers 22:20), and you say that I should go back? Thus is His practice - did He not say thus to Avraham, to sacrifice his son, and afterwards, 'and the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time [...] And he said, "do not send your hand upon the youth"' (Genesis 22:11-12). He is accustomed to saying a thing and that an angel take it back, etc." Behold, the sages are bringing [it] up to say that the first prophecy that mentions God is not equal to the second prophecy, about which it says that it is through an angel. But rather, this is the way of prophets, that He will command [them] with a prophecy, and revoke the commandment through an angel, since the prophet knows that [the latter] is the word of the Lord. And at the beginning of Vayikra Rabbah 1:9, they said, "'And He called to Moshe' (Leviticus 1:1), not like Avraham. With Avraham it is written (Genesis 22:15), 'And the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time from the Heavens' - the angel calls and the [Divine] speech speaks. However, here the Holy One, blessed be He, says, 'I am the caller and I am the speaker'"; which is to say that Avraham did not perceive the prophecy until he prepared his soul first with the perception of the angel, and he [then] went up from that level to the level of prophetic speech. But Moshe was prepared for prophecy at all times and in all places. The sages saw fit to inform us [here] that the seeing of the angel is not prophecy and that those that see angels and speak with them are not in the category of prophets, as I mentioned with Daniel. [Rather], it is a vision called uncovering of the eyes, as in "And the Lord uncovered the eyes of Bilaam and he saw the angel of the Lord" (Numbers 22:31), and "And Elisha prayed and said, 'O Lord, uncover his eyes and he shall see" (II Kings 6:17). But in a place where it mentions the angels with the name, 'people,' like the matter of this section and in the section with Lot, and so [too], "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), and so [too], "And a man found him" (Genesis 37:15) - according to the opinion of our rabbis (Midrash Tanchuma, Vayeshev 2), it is the glory that is created with the angels - that is called by those who know, 'a garment - that is perceived by eyes of flesh, by those of pure souls; like the pious ones and the students of the prophets. And I cannot explain [it]. And about the place where you find in it seeing of the Lord and the word of the angel, or seeing of the angel and the word of the Lord, as it is written in the words of Moshe at the beginning of his prophecy (Exodus 3:2-4) and in the words of Zechariah 3:1-2, I will still reveal the words of the living God with hints (see Ramban on Exodus 3:2). And about "and they ate," the sages said (Bereshit Rabbah 48:14), "it is removed, one at a time." And the matter of removal you will understand from the matter of Manoach (Judges 13:19), if you merit it. And behold, the explanation of this section is that after it stated (Genesis 17:26), "On that very day was Avraham circumcised," it stated that God appeared to him in his being sick from his circumcision, sitting and cooling off at the opening of his tent because of the heat of the day, which weakened him; and it mentioned this to inform that he was not intending prophecy - he did not fall on his face and he did not pray - and nonetheless, the vision came to him.
ד"ה באלוני ממרא: להודיע המקום אשר בו נימול. וזה גילוי השכינה אליו למעלה וכבוד לו, כעניין שבא במשכן "ויצאו ויברכו את העם וירא כבוד ה' אל כל העם" (ויקרא ט' כ"ג), כי מפני השתדלותם במצות המשכן זכו לראיית השכינה. ואין גילוי השכינה כאן וכאן לצוות להם מצוה או לדיבור כלל, אלא גמול המצוה הנעשית כבר, ולהודיע כי רצה האלהים את מעשיהם, כעניין שנאמר (תהלים י"ז ט"ו) "אני בצדק אחזה פניך אשבעה בהקיץ תמונתך". וכן ביעקב אמר (להלן ל"ב ב') "ויפגעו בו מלאכי אלוהים", ואין שם דיבור ולא שחידשו בו דבר, רק שזכה לראיית מלאכי עליון, וידע כי מעשיו רצויים. וכן היה לאברהם בראיית השכינה זכות והבטחה. וכן אמרו (מכילתא שירתא ג') ביורדי הים, שאמרו "זה אלי ואנוהו", ראתה שפחה על הים מה שלא ראה יחזקאל הנביא, זכות להם בעת הנס הגדול שהאמינו בה' ובמשה עבדו. ופעמים יבוא בשעת הקצף "ויאמרו כל העדה לרגום אותם באבנים וכבוד ה' נראה באהל מועד אל כל בני ישראל" (במדבר י"ד י'), ויהיה זה להגן על עבדיו הצדיקים ולכבודם. ואל תחוש להפסק הפרשה, כי העניין מחובר, ולכן אמר "וירא אליו", ולא אמר "וירא ה' אל אברהם". אבל בפרשה רצה לסדר כבוד הנעשה לו בעת שעשה המילה, ואמר כי נגלית עליו השכינה ושלח אליו מלאכיו לבשר את אשתו וגם להציל לוט אחיו בעבורו, כי אברהם נתבשר בבן מפי השכינה כבר, ושרה מפי המלאך שדיבר עם אברהם, כדי שתשמע שרה, כמו שאמר "ושרה שומעת". וזו כוונתם שאמרו (סוטה י"ד א') לבקר את החולה, שלא היה לדיבור אלא לכבוד לו...
At the terebinths of Mamre: this is to inform of the place that he was circumcised. Now this revelation of the Shechinah came to him as a mark of distinction and honor for him,
ד"ה וירא: כי שם נימול אברהם אז וכל ביתו נימולו אתו, שם הופיע האל יתברך שכינתו לעמו בברית כמשפט לכל כורתי ברית כעניין "אתם ניצבים" וכו' "לעברך בברית", וכעניין "ויכרות לפני ה' ויעמוד כל העם בברית". ונראה לאברהם שהיה מוכן מכולם לאותה המראה וכן עניין "ויפגשהו ה'" שלא נראה שם לדבר עד משה, אבל הופיע שכינתו לקבל ברית בנו, כאמרו "ביני וביניכם לדורותיכם". ואולי בשביל זה נהגו להכין כסא בעת המילה ובמקומה.
וירא אליו ה' באלוני ממרא, because this was where Avraham had circumcised himself at that time. His whole household had been circumcised with him at the time. This is where G’d manifested Himself as a sign that He stood by the covenant, similar to the verse at the beginning of Deuteronomy 29,9-11, commencing with the words אתם נצבים היום, and to Kings II 23,3 ויכרות לפני ה'. He appeared to Avraham seeing he was the individual most deserving to be the recipient of such a vision. We have a similar occurrence in Exodus 4,24 ויפגשהו ה', where G’d “met” with Moses without delivering an oral message. At that time G’d’s purpose was to ensure that Moses would circumcise his son, to maintain the covenant which was to be an eternal covenant with the descendants of Avraham as spelled out in Genesis 17,11-12. Perhaps this is the reason why a chair is prepared at the occasion of the circumcision (Pirkey de Rabbi Eliezer 29, as well as Zohar Bereshit 13,10) This chair alludes to the fact that hopefully, the presence of G’d will attend this marking of the sign of the covenant by a new member of the Jewish people.
ד"ה ניצבים: פונים אליו כממתינים לדבר עמו בהיותו פניו מן המראה הנכבדת, כי הממתינים אצל אדם לדבר עמו ייקראו ניצבים עליו כמו "להתאפק לכל הניצבים עליו" וכמו "וכל העם ניצב עליך".
נצבים עלי, facing him. They appeared as if waiting to speak to him when he would be free to turn his attention from the marvelous manifestation he had just observed. People waiting to speak to someone are described as נצבים עליו, as for instance in Genesis 45,1 להתאפק לכל הנצבים עליו.
ד"ה מפתח האוהל: התחיל מן הפתח לרוץ לכבודם, כי הזריזות לדבר יורה על חשיבותו בעיני המזדרז אליו, כעניין "וימהר משה ויקוד ארצה וישתחו".
מפתח האהל, he began running from the entrance of his tent. When a person is observed to perform any task with speed, with keenness, this reflects that he considers what he is about to do as important. We have another example of such conduct in Exodus 34,8 וימהר משה ויקוד ארצה וישתחו, “Moses hastened to bow down and to prostrate himself.”
ד"ה וישתחו ארצה: כי היה תוארם נורא כאומרו "ומראהו כמראה מלאך אלהים נורא מאוד", וחשב אותם לשלוחי איזה מלך.
וישתחו ארצה, seeing that the appearance of these strangers was so awe-inspiring. We have a parallel verse in Judges 13,6 when Manoach’s wife is described as reacting to the angel’s awe-inspiring appearance as such that she did not even dare to enquire his name, etc. Avraham considered these men as emissaries from some king.
ד"ה ואברהם הולך וה' אמר: הוא היה מתעסק במצות גמילות חסדים ללוות את האורחים, וה' אמר שיגלה לו למען אשר יצוה את בניו, כאומרם ז"ל שכר מצוה מצוה.
ואברהם הולך..וה' אמר. He was constantly busy with good deeds and the fulfillment of G’d’s commandments, such as to see his guests off and accompany them beyond the entrance of his house. This is the meaning behind the words למען אשר יצוה את בניו וג'; if Avraham saw that G’d had revealed His plans for Sodom to him, immediately after he accompanied the angels, he would understand that the performance of such kind deeds resulted in one’s gaining an ever more intimate relationship with G’d. He would be encouraged to instruct his children, etc., to act in this manner [pointing out positive results which would accrue to them as a result. Ed.] This is what is meant in Avot 4,2 שכר מצוה מצוה, “the reward of performing a mitzvah is .that one will be encouraged to perform another mitzvah.
1. מה הקשר בין היראות ה' אליו ובין ביקור המלאכים, לפי המפרשים הנ"ל? סדרם לקבוצות.
ד"ה מקדם: במזרחו של עדן נטע את הגן. ואם תאמר הרי כבר כתב (לעיל א' כ"ז) ויברא אלהים את האדם וגו'. ראיתי בברייתא של ר' אליעזר בנו של ר' יוסי הגלילי משלושים ושתים מידות שהתורה נדרשת, וזו אחת מהן: כלל שלאחריו מעשה הוא פרטו של ראשון. "ויברא את האדם" זהו כלל, סתם בריאתו מהיכן וסתם מעשיו. חזר ופירש "וייצר ה' אלהים" וגו', ויצמח לו גן עדן, ויניחהו בגן עדן, ויפל עליו תרדמה, השומע סבור שהוא מעשה אחר, ואינו אלא פרטו של ראשון. וכן אצל הבהמה חזר וכתב "ויצר ה' אלהים מן האדמה כל חית השדה" (ב' י"ט), כדי לפרש "ויבא אל האדם" לקרות שם, וללמד על העופות שנבראו מן הרקק.
מקדם EASTWARD — In the east of Eden He planted the garden. Should you say, however, it is already written, (1:27) “and He created the man etc.”, then I say that I have seen the Baraitha of R. Eliezer the son of R. José the Galilean, dealing with the thirty two rules of interpretation according to which the Torah (Agada) can be interpreted, and the following is one of them: when a general statement of an action is followed by a detailed account of it, the latter is a particularisation of the former: — “And He created the man” is a general statement, but it does not explicitly state whence he was created and what God did unto him. Now it repeats it and explains these things: “And the Lord God formed man”, “and He made to grow for him the garden of Eden”, and He caused a deep sleep to fall upon him.” He who hears this might think that it is a different account entirely, whereas it is nothing else but the details of the former general statement. Similarly with reference to the cattle the creation of which has been mentioned above (1:27). it resumes and writes, (2:19) “and out of the ground the Lord [God] formed every beast of the field etc.”, for the purpose of explaining “and He brought them unto the man to give them names”, and also to state that the fowls were created from the swamps.
3. ליודעי לועזית: בעקבות מי מן המפרשים הלך הרמבמ"ן, (משה מנדלסון) בתרגומו לפסוק ב':
ער האב נעמליך זייבע אויגען אויף אונד זאה?
ב. "שלשה אנשים"
"שְׁלֹשָׁה אֲנָשִׁים"
and he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood over against him; and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed down to the earth,
ד"ה וירא: הנה קצת אמרו כי השם ג' אנשים הוא אחד, והוא ג' ולא יתפרדו. והנה שכחו "ויבואו שני המלאכים סדומה". ומפרשים אמרו שה' נראה אליו במראות נבואה, ואחר כן נשא עיניו וראה ג' מלאכים: האחד בא לבשר שרה, והשנים הלכו לסדום - האחד להשחית, והשני להציל את לוט. ופירוש "ויאכלו" כי נאכל הלחם כטעם "אשר תאכל האש".
ד"ה ואני זקנתי: ...ומפרשים אחרים אמרו כי אלו ג' אנשים נביאים היו. ואם טען טוען: והלוא אברהם נביא היה, ואיך בא נביא אל נביא, רק אם היה גדול ממנו בנבואה כמשה ואהרן. ותשובתם: שלא באו לאברהם רק לשרה. וכן אמרו "איה שרה אשתך", והשנים הלכו אל סדום. ואל תתמה על מילת "כי משחיתים אנחנו", כי כן כתוב, ומשה ואהרן עשו את כל המופתים. וה' עשאם. וסמכם אליהם בעבור שנעשו על ידם. והנה יהיה פירוש "ויאכלו" כמשמעו. ופירוש "ויאמר אדני אם נא מצאתי חן" איננו קודש, רק הוא כמו רבותי.
ויאכלו: ...ובספר מורה הנבוכים (ב' מ"ב) נאמר כי הפרשה כלל ופרט. אמר הכתוב תחילה כי נראה אליו ה' במראות הנבואה, ואיך היתה המראה הזאת, כי נשא עיניו במראה, והנה ג' אנשים ניצבים עליו. ויאמר "אם נא מצאתי חן בעיניך", זה סיפור מה שאמר במראה הנבואה לאחד מהם, הגדול שבהם. ואם במראה, לא נראו אליו רק אנשים אוכלים בשר, איך אמר "וירא אליו ה'", כי הנה לא נראה לו ה' לא במראה ולא במחשבה, וככה לא נמצא בכל הנבואות, והנה לדבריו לא לשה שרה עוגות, ולא עשה אברהם בן בקר, וגם לא צחקה שרה, רק הכל מראה, ואם כן בא החלום הזה ברוב עניין כחלומות השקר, כי מה תועלת להראות לו כל זה: וכן אמר (שם) בעניין "ויאבק איש עמו" (להלן ל"ב כ"ה) שהכל מראה הנבואה. ולא ידעתי למה היה צולע על ירכו בהקיץ, ולמה אמר (להלן ל"ב ל"א) "כי ראיתי אלוהים פנים אל פנים ותינצל נפשי", כי הנביאים לא יפחדו שימותו מפני מראות הנבואה. וכבר ראה מראה גדולה ונכבדת מזאת, כי גם את השם הנכבד ראה פעמים רבות במראה הנבואה (עיין להלן כ"ח י"ג, ל"א ג'). והנה לפי דעתו זאת, יצטרך לומר כן בעניין לוט, כי לא באו המלאכים אל ביתו, ולא אפה להם מצות ויאכלו, אבל הכל היה מראה. ואם יעלה את לוט למעלת מראה הנבואה איך יהיו אנשי סדום הרעים והחטאים נביאים, כי מי הגיד להם שבאו אנשים אל ביתו. ואם הכל מראות נבואתו של לוט, יהיה "ויאיצו המלאכים וגו' קום קח את אשתך","'ויאמר הימלט על נפשך" (להלן י"ט ט"ו-י"ז), "והנה נשאתי פניך" (שם כ"א), וכל הפרשה כולה מראה, ויישאר לוט בסדום. אבל יחשוב שהיו המעשים נעשים מאליהם, והמאמרים בכל דבר ודבר מראה, ואלה דברים סותרים הכתוב, אסור לשומעם אף כי להאמין בהם...
And He appeared to him: The language of Rashi - to visit the sick man. Rabbi Hama the son of Hanina said, "It was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, blessed be He, came and inquired [about the state of his health]." "And behold, three men came" - the angels that came to him with the appearance of men were three - one to announce to Sarah [the birth of a son], one to cure Abraham and one to overthrow Sedom - and Raphael, who healed Avraham, went from them to save Lot, as this is not two assignments, because it was a different place and he was commanded afterwards or [because] they are both about saving (and therefore really one). "And they ate" - they appeared to be eating. And in the book, Guide for the Perplexed 2:4, it is said that the section is [presented in the style of] the general [followed] by the details: the verse first states that God appeared to him in prophetic visions and [then] how this prophetic vision was - that he lifted up his eyes in a vision and behold, three men were standing upon him. "And he said, 'If I have found favor in your eyes'" - this is the recounting of what he said in a prophetic vision to one of them, to the greatest one of them. And if in the vision the only thing that appeared was just three men eating meat, how could it state, "And God appeared to him?" As behold, God did not appear to him, not in a vision and not in thought. And it is not found like this in all of the prophecies. And behold, according to his words, Sarah did not knead cakes and Avraham did not fix the young cow, and also Sarah did not laugh. [Rather,] everything was a vision. And, if so, this dream came 'with much detail' like the false dreams, as what is the point in showing him all of this? And [the Guide there] also said about the matter of "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), that it was all a prophetic vision. And [if so,] I don't know why he limped on his thigh when he woke up, and why he said (Genesis 32:31), "For I have seen God face to face and He saved my soul"; as the prophets did not fear that they would die because of prophetic visions. And he already saw a greater and more glorious vision than this - as he even saw the glorious God many times in a prophetic vision (see further Genesis 28:13 and 31:3). And behold, according to his opinion, this would require [us] to say this in the matter of Lot - that the angels did not come to his house and he did not bake for them matsot and [that] they ate, but [rather] the whole thing was a vision. [But] how were the evil and sinful people of Sedom prophets? As [otherwise], who told them that people came to his house? And if it was all prophetic visions of Lot, [then] "and the angels pressed, etc. 'Get up, take your wife'" (Genesis 19:15), "and he said, 'escape for your life'"(Genesis 19:17), and "Behold, I have lifted up your face" (Genesis 19:21) and the whole section would be a vision. And Lot would have stayed in Sedom and [Rambam] would think that the acts would have been done on their own, and the statements in each and every thing were a vision. And these things contradict Scripture - it is forbidden to hear them, and even to believe them. And in truth, in all places in Scripture where the seeing of an angel or the word of an angel is mentioned, it is in a vision or in a dream - as the senses cannot perceive angels - but not prophetic visions. As one who [merely] perceives to see an angel or his word is not a prophet; as the matter is not as the teacher defines (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34, Mishneh Torah, Foundations of the Torah 7:6), that the prophecy of every prophet besides Moshe, our teacher, was through an angel. And they have already said about Daniel (Megilah 3a), "They are better than he, as they were prophets and he was not a prophet." And so his book was not written together with the books of the Prophets, because his matter was with [the angel,] Gavriel - even though he appeared to him and spoke to him in a waking state, as it is stated in the vision of the Second Temple (Daniel 9:21), "And I was still speaking in prayer and the man, Gavriel." And so [too], the vision of the final salvation was in a waking state, in his walking with his fellows "alongside the river" (Daniel 10:4). And [likewise] Hagar the Egyptian was not in the category of prophetesses, but it is also clear that her matter was not that of a bat kol (a sub-prophetic heavenly voice), as the teacher said (Guide for the Perplexed 2:34). And the verse distinguished between the prophecy of Moshe, our teacher, and the prophecy of the patriarchs, as it states (Exodus 6:3), "And I appeared to Avraham, to Yitschak and to Yaakov as God Almighty" - and this is one of the holy names of the Creator; it is not the appellation of an angel. And our rabbis also learned about the difference between them and said (Vayikra Rabbah 12:11), "What is [the difference] between Moshe and all the prophets? Our rabbis said, 'All of the prophets saw through a lens that is not polished, such that it is written (Hoshea 12:11), "and I increased the vision and through the prophets I appeared"; And Moshe saw through a polished lens, such that it is written (Numbers 12:8), "the picture of God does he see,"'" as it is explained in Vayikra Rabbah and in other places (Yevamot 49b). And in no place did they [attribute] their prophecies to an angel. And do not be astonished because it is written (I Kings 13:18), "I am also a prophet like you and an angel spoke to me with the word of the Lord, saying"; as its explanation is "I am also a prophet like you, and I know that the angel who spoke to me was with the word of the Lord." And this is one of the levels of the levels of prophecy, as the man of God [also] said (I Kings 13:9), "As so did He command me with the word of the Lord" and (I Kings 13:17) "as the word was to me in the word of the Lord." And our rabbis already said (Bemidbar Rabbah 20:3) about the matter of Bilaam who said, "And now if it is bad in your eyes" (Numbers 22:34), "I did not go until the Holy One, blessed be He, said to me, 'get up, go with them' (Numbers 22:20), and you say that I should go back? Thus is His practice - did He not say thus to Avraham, to sacrifice his son, and afterwards, 'and the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time [...] And he said, "do not send your hand upon the youth"' (Genesis 22:11-12). He is accustomed to saying a thing and that an angel take it back, etc." Behold, the sages are bringing [it] up to say that the first prophecy that mentions God is not equal to the second prophecy, about which it says that it is through an angel. But rather, this is the way of prophets, that He will command [them] with a prophecy, and revoke the commandment through an angel, since the prophet knows that [the latter] is the word of the Lord. And at the beginning of Vayikra Rabbah 1:9, they said, "'And He called to Moshe' (Leviticus 1:1), not like Avraham. With Avraham it is written (Genesis 22:15), 'And the angel of the Lord called to Avraham a second time from the Heavens' - the angel calls and the [Divine] speech speaks. However, here the Holy One, blessed be He, says, 'I am the caller and I am the speaker'"; which is to say that Avraham did not perceive the prophecy until he prepared his soul first with the perception of the angel, and he [then] went up from that level to the level of prophetic speech. But Moshe was prepared for prophecy at all times and in all places. The sages saw fit to inform us [here] that the seeing of the angel is not prophecy and that those that see angels and speak with them are not in the category of prophets, as I mentioned with Daniel. [Rather], it is a vision called uncovering of the eyes, as in "And the Lord uncovered the eyes of Bilaam and he saw the angel of the Lord" (Numbers 22:31), and "And Elisha prayed and said, 'O Lord, uncover his eyes and he shall see" (II Kings 6:17). But in a place where it mentions the angels with the name, 'people,' like the matter of this section and in the section with Lot, and so [too], "and a man wrestled with him" (Genesis 32:25), and so [too], "And a man found him" (Genesis 37:15) - according to the opinion of our rabbis (Midrash Tanchuma, Vayeshev 2), it is the glory that is created with the angels - that is called by those who know, 'a garment - that is perceived by eyes of flesh, by those of pure souls; like the pious ones and the students of the prophets. And I cannot explain [it]. And about the place where you find in it seeing of the Lord and the word of the angel, or seeing of the angel and the word of the Lord, as it is written in the words of Moshe at the beginning of his prophecy (Exodus 3:2-4) and in the words of Zechariah 3:1-2, I will still reveal the words of the living God with hints (see Ramban on Exodus 3:2). And about "and they ate," the sages said (Bereshit Rabbah 48:14), "it is removed, one at a time." And the matter of removal you will understand from the matter of Manoach (Judges 13:19), if you merit it. And behold, the explanation of this section is that after it stated (Genesis 17:26), "On that very day was Avraham circumcised," it stated that God appeared to him in his being sick from his circumcision, sitting and cooling off at the opening of his tent because of the heat of the day, which weakened him; and it mentioned this to inform that he was not intending prophecy - he did not fall on his face and he did not pray - and nonetheless, the vision came to him.
ר' יצחק עראמה, עקדת יצחק:
אמנם במה שאמר (הרמב"ם במורה נבוכים) על הרבה מעשים המסופרים בתורה, שהיו במראה הנבואה, חלילה חלילה, כי זה לא הטיל הכתוב להכרת שום חכם ומשער כלל (= לא השאיר הכתוב לשיקול דעתו של החכם) אלא עדות ה' נאמנה בכל מה שסיפרה מהם, כי אחר שנדע שאין מעצור לה' לצוות ולעשות ברב או במעט, מי מעכב שיהיה הדבר כן? ואסור לשמוע מפיהם (= מפי אלה האומרים שהוא במראה הנבואה) דבר, רק במה שיעיד הכתוב שהוא במראה, כמו ביחזקאל ח' "ותבא אותי ירושלימה במראות אלוקים". ולסיבה זו אני רואה שסיפור הג' אנשים הבאים אל אברהם קרוב הוא שיהיה במראה הנבואה, לא מהטעם שכתב הרב המורה ז"ל, אלא מפני שנראה בעיני שהכתוב עצמו אומר כן, פעמיים: האחד באומרו "וירא וירץ לקראתם", שהוא מיותר אליבא דכולי עלמא, אלא אם רצה לומר שהיה רואה, שרץ לקראתם לא שרץ בפועל. והשני: מה שחתם באותו סיפור "ואברהם עודנו עומד לפני ה'" יאמר בפירוש, כי אם היות שנראה שנעתק משם והלך הנה והנה, הכל היה סיפור מה שנראה אליו בעומדו שם לפני ה'. ואם זהו פירוש הכתוב, הרי הסיפור הוא אצלי כמאמר "והנה סולם" (בראשית כ"ח), כי כמו שסיפור הסולם ההוא היה בחלום, סיפר שכל זה היה במראה, כעניין "וארא בחלום והנה העתודים" וכו' (בראשית ל"א) וכדומה. והנה הרמב"ן ז"ל כתב על הרב המורה, שדברים אלו אסור לשומעם, ואני מתירו לעצמי, מפני שטענתי חזקה ונכונה, מלבד מה שאמר באומרו בתחילה "וירא אליו ה'" ולא נזכר, על מה נראה ומה דיבר כלל, ייראה שהוא כלל ופרט.
1. מי הם "קצת האומרים", המובאים בפתח דברי ראב"ע?
2. מה ההבדל בין הדעה השניה והשלישית שנאמרה בראב"ע?
3. מהו ההבדל בין דעת הרמב"ם לדעת הרמב"ן? (דברי הרמב"ם המובאים ברמב"ן לקוחים ומקוצרים מתוך מורה נבוכים ב' מ"ב).
4. מה הן טענות הרמב"ן נגד הרמב"ם?
5. במה מסכים העקדה עם הרמב"ם, ומה הם הם נימוקיו?
ג. שאלות ודיוקים ברש"י
ד"ה וירא: לבקר את החולה. אמר רבי חמא בר חנינא: יום שלישי למילתו היה, ובא הקדוש ברוך הוא ושאל בשלומו.
וירא אליו AND THE LORD APPEARED UNTO HIM to visit the sick man. R. Hama the son of Hanina said: it was the third day after his circumcision and the Holy One, blessed be He, came and enquired after the state of his health (Bava Metzia 86b)
מה קשה לו? מה ראייה לדבריו מלשון הכתוב שפרקנו מחובר אל הפרק שלפניו? מה הרעיון הצפון בדבריו? (להבנת דבריו עיין דברי הרמב"ן המובאים בשאלה א).
ד"ה באלוני ממרא: הוא שנתן לו עצה על המילה, לפיכך נגלה עליו בחלקו.
באלוני ממרא BY THE TEREBINTHS OF MAMRÉ — It was he (Mamre) who advised him (Abraham) regarding the circumcision and therefore He revealed himself to him in his (Mamre’s) territory (Genesis Rabbah 42:8).
ד"ה והנה שלושה: אחד לבשר את שרה, ואחד להפוך את סדום, ואחד לרפאות את אברהם, שאין מלאך אחד עושה שתי שליחיות. תדע לך שכן כל הפרשה הוא מזכירן בלשון רבים (פסוק ח') "ויאכלו", (פסוק ט') "ויאמרו אליו", ובבשורה נאמר (שם י') "ויאמר שוב אשוב אליך", ובהפיכת סדום הוא אומר (י"ט כ"ב) "כי לא אוכל לעשות דבר", (שם כ"א), "לבלתי הפכי". ורפאל שריפא את אברהם הלך משם להציל את לוט, הוא שנאמר (שם י"ז) "ויהי כהוציאם אותם החוצה ויאמר הימלט על נפשך", למדת שהאחד היה מציל.
והנה שלשה אנשים AND BEHOLD THREE MEN — one to announce to Sarah the birth of a son, one to overthrow Sodom, and one to cure Abraham, for one angel does not carry out two commissions (Genesis Rabbah 50:2). You may know that this is so because throughout this section it (Scripture) mentions them in the plural — “and they ate” (Genesis 18:8), “and they said unto him” (Genesis 18:9) — whilst in the case of the announcement it states, (Genesis 18:10) “And he said, I will certainly return unto thee”, and with regard to the overthrow of Sodom it says (Genesis 19:22) “For “I” cannot do anything” and (Genesis 19:21) “that “I” will not overthrow [the city]”. Raphael who healed Abraham went thence to rescue Lot; that explains what is stated (Genesis 19:17) “And it came to pass when they had brought them forth, that he said, Escape for thy life”, for you learn from this that only one of these acted as Deliverer
וכתב על זה הגור אריה:
דאין מלאך אחד עושה... שעניין המלאך הוא השליחות, ולכך נקרא מלאך לשון שליחות, לכך: אם מלאך א' עושה ב' שליחויות היה מלאך א' – שני מלאכים, אחר שייעקר עצמות המלאכים – השליחות.
כנגד איזו דעה מוטעית מופנים הדברים?
ד"ה ויאמר אדוני: לגדול שבהם אמר, וקראם כולם אדונים, ולגדול אמר "אל נא תעבור", וכיון שלא יעבור הוא, יעמדו חבריו עמו, ובלשון זה הוא חול. דבר אחר קודש הוא, והיה אומר להקדוש ברוך הוא להמתין לו עד שירוץ ויכניס את האורחים. ואף על פי שכתוב אחר (פסוק ב') "וירץ לקראתם", האמירה קודם לכן היתה, ודרך המקראות לדבר כן, כמו שפירשתי אצל (ו' ג') "לא ידון רוחי באדם", שנכתב אחר (ה' ל"ב) "ויולד נח", ואי אפשר לומר אלא אם כן קודם גזירת מאה עשרים שנה, ושתי הלשונות בבראשית רבה (מ"ח י').
'ויאמר אדני אם נא וגו AND HE SAID, MY LORD, IF NOW etc. — He addressed himself to the Chief of them; calling them all “lords”, (אדני may mean “my lords”), whilst to their Chief he said “Do not I pray thee pass away”, for he knew that if he would not pass by, his companions would certainly remain with him. In this explanation the word אדני has a “profane” sense (does not refer to God, being merely a term of address, “Sirs”) . Another explanation is that the word is “holy” (referring to God): he asked God to wait for him whilst he ran and invited the travellers. For although this is written after the words “and he ran to meet them”, yet the conversation took place beforehand. It, indeed, is the way of the Scriptures to speak in this manner as I have explained in my comment on “My spirit shall not strive” (Genesis 6:3) which is written after the passage. “And Noah begot” (Genesis 5:32) whereas it is impossible to say otherwise than that the decree of a respite of 120 years made in reference to this verse “My spirit shall not strive etc.” was twenty years before the birth of Noah’s sons.) Both these explanations of אדני are to be found in Genesis Rabbah 48:10 (see also Shevuot 35b).
מה קשה לו? – יש ממפרשי רש"י הקובעים כלל, שאין רש"י מביא שתי תשובות לתרץ קושייה אחת, אלא אם כן אין אחת מתרצתה תירוץ מספיק. הסבר למה הביא במקומנו שתי לשונות מבראשית רבה ולא הסתפק בראשונה?
ד"ה אל הנער: זה ישמעאל לחנכו במצוות.
אל הנער TO THE YOUNG MAN — This was Ishmael whom he bade to do this in order to train him to the performance of religious duties (in this case the duty of hospitality) (Genesis Rabbah 48:13).
מניין לו?
ד. שאלת בקיאות
"וַיֹּאמֶר ה' אֶל אַבְרָהָם לָמָּה זֶּה צָחֲקָה שָׂרָה לֵאמֹר הַאַף אֻמְנָם אֵלֵד וַאֲנִי זָקַנְתִּי"
And the LORD said unto Abraham: ‘Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying: Shall I of a surety bear a child, who am old?
ד"ה ואני זקנתי: שינה הכתוב מפני השלום, שהרי היא אמרה: "ואדוני זקן".
ואני זקנתי I BEING OLD — Scripture (God) in relating her words to her husband alters them for the sake of peace, for she had said (v. 12) “my lord is old” (Genesis Rabbah 48:18).
מי עוד שינה מפני השלום?