Shabbat Candles---part deux
אמר רבא פשיטא לי נר ביתו ונר חנוכה נר ביתו עדיף משום שלום ביתו נר ביתו וקידוש היום נר ביתו עדיף משום שלום ביתו בעי רבא נר חנוכה וקידוש היום מהו קידוש היום עדיף דתדיר או דילמא נר חנוכה עדיף משום פרסומי ניסא בתר דאבעיא הדר פשטה נר חנוכה עדיף משום פרסומי ניסא:
Rava said: It is obvious to me that there is a fixed list of priorities. When a person is poor and must choose between purchasing oil to light a Shabbat lamp for his home or purchasing oil to light a Hanukkah lamp, the Shabbat lamp for his home takes precedence. That is due to peace in his home; without the light of that lamp, his family would be sitting and eating their meal in the dark. Similarly, if there is a conflict between acquiring oil to light a lamp for his home and wine for the sanctification [kiddush] of Shabbat day, the lamp for his home takes precedence due to peace in his home. However, Rava raised a dilemma: When the conflict is between oil for a Hanukkah lamp or wine for kiddush of Shabbat day, what is the ruling in that case? Does kiddush of Shabbat day take priority because it is frequent, i.e., it is performed every week, and there is a principle: When there is a conflict between a frequent practice and an infrequent practice, the frequent practice takes precedence? Or, perhaps the Hanukkah lamp takes precedence due to publicity of the miracle? After he raised the dilemma, he then resolved it on his own and he ruled that, in that case, the Hanukkah lamp takes precedence due to publicity of the miracle.

כתב בה"ג דקבלת שבת תלויה בהדלקת הנר דכיון שהדליק נר של שבת חל עליו שבת ומפני זה כתב שצריך להקדים נר של חנוכה לשל שבת שאם יקדים של שבת לא יוכל להדליק של חנוכה אח"כ והתוספות כתבו שאין תלוי בהדלקת הנר דאפילו לאחר שהדליק לא חל עליו שבת אלא תלוי בתפלת ערבית שהמתפלל ערבית חל עליו שבת:

And so too wrote the Halakhot Gedolot that the acceptance of Shabbat is dependent upon the lighting of the candle, for once he has lit the Shabbat candle Shabbat has begun for him. And for this reason he wrote that one must first light the Hannukah lamp before the Shabbat candle for if he does Shabbat first, he cannot afterwards light the Hannukah candle. But the Tosafot wrote that [the beginning of Shabbat] is not dependent on the lighting of the lamp for even after he lights, Shabbat has not begun for him. Rather it is dependent on the maariv prayer, for Shabbat begins once he has prayed maariv.

תנו רבנן שש תקיעות תוקעין ערב שבת ראשונה להבטיל את העם ממלאכה שבשדות שניה להבטיל עיר וחנויות שלישית להדליק את הנר דברי רבי נתן רבי יהודה הנשיא אומר שלישית לחלוץ תפילין ושוהה כדי צליית דג קטן או כדי להדביק פת בתנור ותוקע ומריע ותוקע ושובת
The Sages taught in a baraita: They sound six blasts on Shabbat eve to announce that Shabbat is approaching. The Gemara details what each blast signifies. The first blast is in order to stop the people from work in the fields. The second blast is to stop those who are working in the city, and to inform the proprietors to close the stores. The third is to inform them to light the Shabbat light; that is the statement of Rabbi Natan. Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says: The third blast is to inform those who don phylacteries throughout the day to remove their phylacteries, as one does not don phylacteries on Shabbat. And he pauses after the third blast for the length of time it takes to fry a small fish or to stick bread to the sides of the oven. One who forgot to do so and needs those foods for Shabbat may do so then. And he sounds a tekia, and sounds a terua, and sounds a tekia, and he accepts Shabbat. It is then that Shabbat begins in every sense.