Rashi to Genesis 1:26
נעשה אדם - ענותנותו של הקב"ה למדנו מכאן, לפי שהאדם בדמות המלאכים ויתקנאו בו לפיכך נמלך בהם... אף על פי שלא סייעוהו ביצירתו ויש מקום למינים לרדות, לא נמנע הכתוב מללמד דרך ארץ ומדת ענוה שיהא הגדול נמלך ונוטל רשות מן הקטן.
"Let us make a human": from here we learn the humility of the Holy Blessed One. Since humanity is made in the image of the angels, the angels would be jealous of humanity, so God consulted with them. Even though the angels did not help in the making of the first human and this verse gives heretics a basis for rebelling [against monotheism], the Torah would not be stopped from teach decency and humility -- that the great should take counsel and ask permission from the small. [translated by Mechon Hadar]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean for the principles of humility and consultation to be primary lessons of the account of the creation of the world?

2. Is there a deeper level to the textual tension between pure monotheism and humility?

3. Why is consulting with others so critical that the Torah is willing to risk insinuating polytheism in order to teach it?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)