Rambam Mishnah Torah Melakhim 6:10
רמבם משנה תורה –מלכים ומלחמותיהם פרק ו:י
ולא האילנות בלבד, אלא כל המשבר כלים, וקורע בגדים, והורס בנין, וסותם מעין, ומאבד מאכלות דרך השחתה, עובר בלא תשחית.
And not only [does bal taschit apply] to trees; rather, anyone who destroys dishes, or tears clothes, or demolishes a building, or stops up a spring, or destroys food in anger-- [that person] transgresses the law of bal taschit.

Suggested Discussion Questions:

What does it mean to you that there is a Jewish law against waste?

Do you think it is prohibited to waste anything, or only the things on this list?

What could you do to reduce waste in your life?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)