Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, “Global Covenant: A Jewish Perspective on Globalization,” Making Globalization Good, edited by John H. Dunning. p.224
Globalization, writes Zygmunt Bauman, “divides as much as it unites...What appears as globalization for some means localization for others; signaling a new freedom for some, upon many others it descends as an uninvited and cruel fate” (Bauman 1998: 2). There can be no doubt that some of the economic surplus of the advanced economies of the world should be invested in developing countries to help eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, ensure universal education, combat treatable disease, reduce infant mortality, improve work conditions, and reconstruct failing economies. As with tzedakah, the aim should be to restore dignity and independence to nations as well as individuals. Whether this is done in the name of compassion, social justice, or human solidarity it has now become a compelling imperative. The globalization of communications, trade, and culture globalizes human responsibility likewise. The freedom of the few must not be purchased at the price of the enslavement of the many to poverty, ignorance, and disease.

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is globalization? How is it advantageous? How is it harmful?

2. What is the author's call to action? How do we do it?

Time Period: Contemporary (The Yom Kippur War until the present-day)