“Jewish Ethics of Employee Treatment and Communal Responsibility” by Dani Passow, p. 18
This conception of the relationship among all Jews [one of arevut, of guarantorship] suggests that one should refrain from patronizing a restaurant that does not meet ethical standards of employee treatment. If the employer is ethically bound to pay minimum wage, overtime, and treat the employee fairly then, as arevim, guarantors, at the very least we shouldn’t actively support the employer’s violation of these rights. Perhaps we should even take measures, such as boycott or protests, to stop the employer. The Sefer Chassidim elucidates this principle: “"Were it not for arevut... one would only examine another's actions to the extent necessary to set up precautions against influencing them to sin, but wouldn't attempt to help the other root out their own evil actions." Arevut thus means that all Jews are responsible for each other’s morality. If this is the case for strangers, how much more so does it apply to the managers and owners of restaurants we patronize.

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What is arevut? What does it mean for the relationship between all Jews?

2. Based on this principle, why should we refrain from patronizing kosher restaurants that mistreat their workers?

3. For whose actions do you consider yourself responsible? How can you own up to this accountability?

Time Period: Contemporary (The Yom Kippur War until the present-day)