BabylonianTalmud, Sanhedrin 73a
תלמוד בבלי, סנהדרין עג.
מניין לרואה את חבירו שהוא טובע בנהר, או חיה גוררתו, או לסטין באין עליו, שהוא חייב להצילו - תלמוד לומר לא תעמד על דם רעך (ויקרא י"ט).
How do we know that if a person sees another person drowning, mauled by beasts, or attacked by robbers, s/he is bound to save him? From the verse, “You shall not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor!” (Leviticus 19:16). [AJWS translation]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What are some ways to help people today that are targeted by violence?

2. What are some ways to help those who are kept poor by a trading and market system that benefits from their poverty?

3. What is the opposite of standing idly by? Does the directive here come with a measurable level of success?

Time Period: Rabbinic (Maccabees through the Talmud)