Rashi, Deuteronomy 12:20
כי ירחיב וגו': למדה תורה דרך ארץ, שלא יתאוה אדם לאכול בשר, אלא מתוך רחבת ידים ועושר: בכל אות נפשך וגו': אבל במדבר נאסר להם בשר חולין, אלא אם כן מקדישה ומקריבה שלמים:
When [the Lord your God] expands [your boundary… and you say, “I will eat meat,”… you may eat meat] The Torah teaches proper conduct, that one should not desire to eat meat unless [one lives] in abundance and wealth. — [Chul. 84a.] [you may eat meat,] according to every desire of your soul In the desert, however, the meat of a non-consecrated animal was forbidden to them, unless one first consecrated it and offered it up as a peace offering. — [Sifrei : Chul. 1] [translation by Judaica Press]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

According to Rashi's understanding of this verse, what limitations are placed on our eating of meat?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)