Aruch HaShulchan, The Laws of Tzedakah, 249:21
ערוך השולחן יורה דעה הלכות צדקה סימן רמט סעיף כא
וכתב רבינו הרמ"א בסעי' י"ג דעכ"פ לא יתפאר האדם בצדקה שנותן ואם מתפאר לא דיו שאינו מקבל שכר אלא אפילו מענישין אותו עליה ומ"מ מי שמקדיש דבר לצדקה מותר לו שיכתוב שמו עליו שיהא לו לזכרון וראוי לעשות כן עכ"ל
Our teacher Moshe Isserles wrote that, at any rate, one should not glorify oneself with giving tzedakah. If one does, it is not enough that they do not receive a reward [for giving the tzedakah]; rather, that person should even be punished over it. In any case, whoever sanctifies something for tzedakah is permitted to write their name on it since it will be for that person as a remembrance and it is suitable to do as such - until here are his words. [Translation by Rabbi Bruce Elder. Edited for gender neutrality]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean to glorify oneself with giving tzedakah? Why are you deserving to be punished if you do it?

2. Why is it acceptable to write your name on a donation as a remembrance?

Time Period: Modern (Spinoza through post-WWII)