Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah 251:10
מי שבא ואמר: האכילוני, אין בודקין אחריו אם הוא רמאי, אלא מאכילין אותו מיד. היה ערום ובא ואמר: כסוני, בודקין אחריו אם הוא רמאי, ואם מכירין אותו מכסין אותו מיד.
One who comes and says: Feed me, we don't investigate whether he is a liar but rather we feed him immediately. A naked person comes and says: Clothe me, we investigate if he is a liar but if we know and recognize him then we clothe him immediately. [translation by AJWS]

Suggested Discussion Questions:

1. Why do you think we don't investigate people who ask for food but we do investigate people who ask for clothes?

2. Does this text relate to any concerns or hesitations you have before you give tzedakah?

Time Period: Medieval (Geonim through the 16th Century)