Economic/Human Rights 2
: Aruch HaShulchan, Hilchot Tzedakah, 250:1
Translation Original
How much do you give to the poor? It is written: “You shall surely open your hand to the poor, and you shall surely lend a poor person according to their need, what they lack.” It is taught in Sifrei: Why are all these things said? As if to say all of these repetitions, because ‘according to their need’ is enough. How much the more so if it was written ‘according to their need, what they lack;’ then why is it written “lo”? To teach you that you cannot give equally to everyone, but give to each person according to their way of life before this time. To this it is written “lo” as if to say according to that person’s stature. As for the repetition of “what they lack”, it seems that if the statement “their need” were said alone, I would have said that this only refers to eating and drinking. This comes to teach us ‘what they lack,’ as if to say whatever clothes and household items and ornaments that person lacks. It is written “lo” as if to say that in all these things according to that person’s standard of living. [Translation by Rabbi Bruce Elder. Edited for gender neutrality]
כמה נותנין לעני כתיב [דברים טז, ח] כי פתוח תפתח את ידך לו וגו' די מחסורו אשר יחסר לו ותניא בספרי למה נאמרו כולם כלומר כל אלו כפלי לשונות דהא בדי מחסורו די וכ"ש אם היה כתיב די מחסורו אשר יחסר ולמה לי למיכתב לו אלא ללמדך דאין הנתינות שוות לכולם ונותנין לכל אחד כפי הנהגתו מקודם זה ולזה כתיב לו כלומר לפי ערכו וכפל לשון דאשר יחסר נראה דבדי מחסורו בלבד הייתי אומר רק על אכילה ושתייה בלבד קמ"ל אשר יחסר כלומר כל מה שחסר בגדים וכלים והדר כתיב לו כלומר דבכל אלו הדברים כפי מדרגתו
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. The Sifrei analyzes why the verse in Deutoronomy appears to be redundant. What is the conclusion?
2. Why do we give to the poor according to their standard of living, and not a blanket standard?
3. How would you apply this idea to how you give tzedakah today?

Babylonian Talmud, Ta’anit 11a
בזמן שהצבור שרוי בצער אל יאמר אדם: אלך לביתי ואוכל ואשתה, ושלום עליך, נפשי,
At a time when the community is suffering, no one should say, “I will go home, eat, drink, and be at peace with myself.” [AJWS Translation]
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. In a time when one’s community is in trouble, why is one prohibited from engaging in the above actions?
2. What does this text teach us about the relationship of the individual to his or her community?

Aruch HaShulchan, The Laws of Tzedakah, 250:2
Translation Original
How? If the poor person is hungry, feed them. If they need to be covered, cover them. If they do not have household appliances, buy them. Even if it were that person’s way to ride a horse and for a slave to run before them when that person was rich, now that they are poor, buy a horse and a slave. It says in Ketubot 67b: They said about Hillel the Elder that he bought for the poor of good stalk a horse to ride upon and a slave to run before the horse. One time Hillel could not find a slave to run before the horse, so he ran before for three miles. And so it is mentioned there about the one in the upper Galil who everyday bought a beast for the one pound of flesh that was needed to satisfy the needs of the poor of good stalk - see there. It was also mentioned there about two poor people who wanted to eat only fatty meat and drink vintage wine. They gave it to one of them and not the other - see there. The reason for this was that one was accustomed to it and the other was not accustomed to it. Rather, the person who is accustomed to this, so it should be in their poverty, and the person who is not accustomed to it, so it should be - see there. [Translation by Rabbi Bruce Elder. Edited for gender neutrality]
כיצד אם היה רעב יאכילהו היה צריך לכסות יכסהו אין לו כלי בית קונה לו כלי בית ואפילו אם היה דרכו לרכוב על סוס ועבד לרוץ לפניו כשהיה עשיר והעני קונה לו סוס ועבד ואיתא בכתובות [ס"ז ב] אמרו עליו על הלל הזקן שלקח לעני בן טובים אחד סוס לרכוב עליו ועבד לרוץ לפניו פעם אחת לא מצא עבד לרוץ לפניו ורץ לפניו ג' מילין וכן הובא שם מעשה מגליל העליון שהפסידו בכל יום בהמה בשביל ליטרא בשר אחת שהוצרכו לעני בן טובים ע"ש עוד הובא שם בשני עניים שבקשו לאכול דווקא בשר שמן ויין ישן לאחד נתנו ולאחד לא נתנו ע"ש והיינו טעמא דזה הורגל בזה מעולם וזה לא הורגל בזה מעולם אלא שהרגיל את עצמו כך בעניותו ולא היה לו להרגיל את עצמו כן ע"ש
Suggested Discussion Questions

1. Why does the Aruch HaShulchan emphasize that we should treat the poor according to their accustomed lifestyle?
2. What do you think of this approach? Do you agree?
3. What sorts of societal patterns does this text create and/or reinforce?