Dairy on Shavuos

זכר למקדש

(ד) מביאין לפני בעל הבית קערה שיש בה שלש מצו' ומרור וחרוסת וכרפס או ירק אחר (וחומץ או מי מלח) ושני תבשילין: אחד זכר לפסח, ואחד זכר לחגיגה, ונהגו בבשר וביצה:

(יז) מִמּוֹשְׁבֹ֨תֵיכֶ֜ם תָּבִ֣יאּוּ ׀ לֶ֣חֶם תְּנוּפָ֗ה שְׁ֚תַּיִם שְׁנֵ֣י עֶשְׂרֹנִ֔ים סֹ֣לֶת תִּהְיֶ֔ינָה חָמֵ֖ץ תֵּאָפֶ֑ינָה בִּכּוּרִ֖ים לַֽה'

(17) You shall bring from your settlements two loaves of bread as an elevation offering; each shall be made of two-tenths of a measure of choice flour, baked after leavening, as first fruits to the LORD.

(ו) שְׁנֵי שְׂעִירֵי יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים מְעַכְּבִין זֶה אֶת זֶה. שְׁנֵי כִבְשֵׂי עֲצֶרֶת מְעַכְּבִין זֶה אֶת זֶה. שְׁתֵּי חַלּוֹת מְעַכְּבוֹת זוֹ אֶת זוֹ

(6) Regarding the two goats of Yom Hakippurim, the [absence of] one invalidates the other. Regarding the two lambs of Shavuot, the [absence of] one invalidates the other. Regarding the two loaves [that accompany the lambs], the [absence of] one invalidates the other. Regarding the two rows [of the showbread], the [absence of] one invalidates the other. Regarding the two dishes [of frankincense], the [absence of] one invalidates the other. Regarding the rows and the dishes, the [absence of] one invalidates the other. Regarding the two kinds [of cakes] used in the offering of the nazirite, the three kinds used for the red cow, the four kinds [of cakes] used in the thanksgiving offering, the four kinds [of species] used for the lulav, and the four kinds used for the [purification of the] leper, the [absence of] one invalidates the others. Regarding the seven sprinklings [of the blood] of the red cow, the [absence of] one invalidates the others. Regarding the seven sprinklings between the poles of the ark, and of those toward the curtain and upon the golden altar, the [absence of] one invalidates the others.

(ד) מִי שֶׁאָכַל גְּבִינָה וְרוֹצֶה לֶאֱכֹל בָּשָׂר, צָרִיךְ לְבַעֵר מֵעַל הַשֻּׁלְחָן שִׁיּוּרֵי פַּת שֶׁאָכְלוּ עִם הַגְּבִינָה. וְאָסוּר לֶאֱכֹל גְּבִינָה עַל מַפָּה שֶׁאָכְלוּ בָּהּ בָּשָׂר. וְכֵן לְהֶפֶךְ אָסוּר (כֵּן מַשְׁמָע בְּאָרֹךְ)

(4) One who ate cheese, and wants to eat meat, needs to remove from the table leftover bread that he ate with the cheese. And it is forbidden to each cheese on the tablecloth that they ate bread on. (And vice-versa is similarly forbidden.) (So is implied in the Aruch.) And all the more so is it forbidden to cut cheese, even cold, with a knife that they usually use to cut meat. And not only that, but even the bread that they eat with the cheese is forbidden to cut with a knife that they use to cut meat. And vice-versa is also similarly forbidden. However, via stabbing into hard ground, it is permitted. (Beit Yosef, quoting A"Ch and Kol Bo). But, all of Israel already is accustomed to having two knives and to mark one of them, so it is distinguished, they are accustomed to marking the dairy one, and it's not right to change a custom of Israel.

(ג) ונוהגין בכל מקום לאכול מאכלי חלב ביום ראשון של שבועות. ונראה לי הטעם– שהוא כמו השני תבשילין שלוקחין בליל פסח זכר לפסח וזכר לחגיגה, כן אוכלים מאכל חלב ואח"כ מאכל בשר וצריכין להביא עמהם ב' לחם על השלחן שהוא במקום המזבח, ויש בזה זכרון לשני הלחם שהיו מקריבין ביום הבכורים:

(3) It is prohibited to fast immediately after the holiday of Shavuot. Ramah: And we do not say Tachanun from the beginning of Rosh Chodesh Sivan until the 8th day, which is after the post-holiday day (Hagahot Maimoni, Hil' Tefillah Umnagim). We have the custom to spread out plants on Shavuot in the synagogue and in houses, as a memory for the happiness of the receiving of the Torah. We have a custom everywhere to eat dairy food on the first day of Shavuot. And it seems to me that the reason is: It is like the two foods that are taken on the evening of Pesach, a reminder of the Korban Pesach and a reminder of the Korban Chagiga, so too we eat a dairy food followed by a meat food, and we bring with them two loaves on the table in place of the Mizbeach, and thus there will be a reminder of the two loaves that were brought on "The day of the Bikkurim."

(יד) {יד} כמו השני תבשילין וכו' כן אוכלים וכו' - ר"ל כשם שבפסח עושין זכר לקרבן כן אנו צריכין לעשות בשבועות זכר לשתי הלחם שהיו מביאין וע"כ אוכלים מאכלי חלב ואח"כ מאכל בשר וצריכין להביא עמהם שתי לחמים דאסור לאכול בשר וחלב מלחם אחד ויש בזה זכרון לשתי הלחם:

(14) ...Like the two that we cook... What this means to say is that on Passover we make a remembrance of the Koraban passover (on our seder plate with the bone) thus we do on Shavout by remember the "Shtei Halechem" that was brought, and therefore we eat a dairy meal and afterwards we eat a meat meal and we need to bring with the meal 2 different breads because it is forbidden to eat Milk and Meat from the same bread and this serves as our remembrance (having 2 breads we force ourselves to have by having a dairy meal then followed by a meat meal) "Shtei ha lechem

Pri Chadash Doesnt like the Rema

(ו) חלב. יש הרבה טעמים ומ"כ הטעם דאיתא בזוהר שאותן ז' שבועות היו לישראל שבעה נקיים דוגמת אשה המיטהרת מנדתה וידוע שדם נעכר ונעשה חלב, והיינו מדין לרחמים, ומנהג אבותינו תורה היא אך יש ליזהר שלא יבא לידי איסור ועיין ביורה דעה סי' פ"ט דא"צ להפסיק בברכת המזון אם אינו אוכל גבינה קשה, ויזהר ליקח מפה אחרת:

(6) There are many reasons for eating dairy, I will copy the reason written in the Zohar: the previous seven weeks were in parrallel to the seven clean days a woman counts before immersing in the mikvah, we know that blood becomes milk, this is parallel to the movement from judgement to mercy, and the practice of our fathers is in our hands to fulfill. However, it is important to be careful not to violate any prohibitions (see Yoreh Deah 89)...

The Magen Avraham (494:6) offers another reason. He notes that the Zohar equates the seven weeks between Pesach and Shavuot to the seven “clean days” (shiva nekiyim) that a women counts before purification. Just as the women is “pure” after these seven days (after immersing in the mikva), so too the Jewish People are purified from the impurity of Egypt after sefirat ha-omer. Milk is viewed symbolically as antithetical to tum’a, as a woman who produces milk and nurses generally does not menstruate. We therefore eat dairy foods on Shavuot.

(יב) ואני שמעתי עוד בשם גדול אחד שאמר טעם נכון לזה כי בעת שעמדו על הר סיני וקבלו התורה [כי בעשרת הדברות נתגלה להם עי"ז כל חלקי התורה כמו שכתב רב סעדיה גאון שבעשרת הדברות כלולה כל התורה] וירדו מן ההר לביתם לא מצאו מה לאכול תיכף כ"א מאכלי חלב, כי לבשר צריך הכנה רבה לשחוט בסכין בדוק כאשר צוה ה', ולנקר חוטי החלב והדם, ולהדיח ולמלוח, ולבשל בכלים חדשים כי הכלים שהיו להם מקודם שבישלו בהם באותו מעת לעת נאסרו להם, על כן בחרו להם לפי שעה מאכלי חלב ואנו עושין זכר לזה:

(12) Dairy foods - See Magen Avraham and I also heard in the name of a Gadol who said a correct reason for this: that when Bnei Yisrael stood at Har Sinai and accepted the Torah(When the 10 commandments were revealed, and through this all the parts of the Torah were also revealed to them, like that Rav Sadya Gaon writes, that the 10 commandments sustain the whole torah) and they went down from the mountain to their homes they found nothing to eat immediately except for dairy foods because for meat they would need much preparation to slaughter with a checked knife like Hashem commanded... And to clean out the strings of forbidden fats and blood, and to rinse and salt(the meat). Also to cook in new vessels because their previous vessels had been used to cook meat (that they now discovered was actually trief) had been used in the last 24 hrs (which is what is forbidden Biblically) so their old vessels were forbidden to them, therefore they choose on account of the time to eat dairy foods and we do this as a commemoration of this.

Chofetz Chaim in Likutei Halachos points out that this is only good according to the opinion that Matan Torah was on Erev Shabbos. But not if given on Shabbos

(יא) נֹ֛פֶת תִּטֹּ֥פְנָה שִׂפְתוֹתַ֖יִךְ כַּלָּ֑ה דְּבַ֤שׁ וְחָלָב֙ תַּ֣חַת לְשׁוֹנֵ֔ךְ וְרֵ֥יחַ שַׂלְמֹתַ֖יִךְ כְּרֵ֥יחַ לְבָנֽוֹן׃ (ס)
(11) Sweetness drops From your lips, O bride; Honey and milk Are under your tongue; And the scent of your robes Is like the scent of Lebanon.
(ב) תִּטֹּפְנָה שִׂפְתוֹתַיִךְ. טַעֲמֵי תוֹרָה:
(2) Your lips drip. [With] explanations of Torah.

(ט) מאכל. וכת' הכל בו סימן נ"ב וז"ל: גם נהגו לאכול דבש וחלב בחג השבועות מפני התורה שנמשלה לדבש וחלב כמו שנאמר דבש וחלב תחת לשונך ונהגו בכל ישראל לשום בעוגה זפר"ן והטעם לפי שמשמח הלב, גם נהגו הנשים לעשות בשבועות לחם ארוך ולו ארבע ראשים ונראה לומר כי נמצא המנהג זכר לשתי לחם הקרב בעצרת או מפני מזל תאומים המשמש בסיון יעכ"ל:​​​​​​​