They Too Were Included in the Miracle: Exclusion and Inclusion on International Women's Day

The Obligation:
Why are women explicitly obligated in certain commandments?

דא"ר יהושע בן לוי נשים חייבות בנר חנוכה שאף הן היו באותו הנס

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: Women are obligated in the Hanukkah light, as they too were included in that miracle.

ואריב"ל נשים חייבות במקרא מגילה שאף הן היו באותו הנס:

And Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi also said: Women are obligated in the reading of the Megilla, as they too were included in that miracle.

ואמר ר' יהושע בן לוי נשים חייבות בארבעה כוסות הללו שאף הן היו באותו הנס

And Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: Women are obligated in these four cups, as they too were included in that miracle.

The Pedestal Reasoning:

Women as heroines

שאף הן היו באותו הנס - דאמר במס' סוטה (ד' יא:) בשכר נשים צדקניות שהיו באותו הדור נגאלו וכן גבי מקרא מגילה אמר הכי משום דעל ידי אסתר הוה וכן גבי חנוכה במס' שבת (ד' כג.) לשון מורינו הלוי:

That they too were included in the miracle - ... it was through the merit of the righteous women of that generation that the Israelites were saved [from Egypt]... and it was through Esther [from Haman]... and on Chanukah... [through Judith].

היו באותו הנס - שגזרו יוונים על כל בתולות הנשואות להיבעל לטפסר תחלה ועל יד אשה נעשה הנס:

Included in that [Chanukah] miracle - ... a woman's actions [Judith's] brought about the miracle.

א ואמר ר' יהושע בן לוי עוד בענין פורים: נשים חייבות במקרא מגילה, שאף הן היו שותפות חשובות באותו הנס.

That they too were significant partners in that miracle [of Purim].

The Inclusion Reasoning:

Women as human beings

היו באותו הנס - שגזרו יוונים על כל בתולות הנשואות להיבעל לטפסר תחלה...

They too were included in the miracle - that the Greeks decreed the virgins would be subject to jus primae noctis...

שאף הן היו באותו הנס - שאף על הנשים גזר המן להשמיד להרוג ולאבד מנער ועד זקן טף ונשים וגו':

That they too were included in the miracle - the women too were decreed by Haman to be destroyed, to be murdered, and to perish, young and old, children and women.

שאף הן היו באותו הנס של יציאת מצרים ולכן אף הן חייבות לשמוח בו.

That they too were included in that miracle of the Exodus, therefore they are obligated to rejoice in it.

Glitches in the reasoning:

Women as auxiliary

שאף הן היו באותו הנס. פירש רשב"ם שעיקר הנס היה על ידן בפורים על ידי אסתר בחנוכה על ידי יהודית בפסח שבזכות צדקניות שבאותו הדור נגאלו וקשה דלשון שאף הן משמע שהן טפלות ולפירושו היה לו לומר שהן לכך נראה לי שאף הן היו בספק דלהשמיד ולהרוג וכן בפסח שהיו משועבדות לפרעה במצרים וכן בחנוכה הגזירה היתה מאד עליהן.

Since they too were included in that miracle. Rashbam explained, that the primary part of the miracle was done by them; Purim - by Esther, Chanukah - by Judith, Pesach - for they were saved in the merit of the righteous ones of that generation. And this [interpretation] is difficult, for the language "since they were also" implies that they were secondary, and according to his [Rashbam's] interpretation, it should have said "since they were". Therefore, it seems to me, that they were also potentially going to be wiped out and killed, and so too on Pesach, when they were enslaved to Pharaoh in Egypt, and in Chanukah, the decrees applied to them too.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Which reasoning do you prefer - heroines or human beings? Why?
  2. In "inclusive" spaces, who is doing the including and who is being included?
  3. What do we have to do to move beyond the language of "they too?"
  4. When is it better to highlight a group of people and when is it better to assume their presence without marking it?