Offerings in the Beit Midrsah, Study Center, of the Romemu, NYC community
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The Unfolding of Covenant
Dianne Cohler-Esses143 ViewsNovember 28, 2023
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Abram's Beginnings: Travels Through Grief Rabbi Dianne Cohler-Esses
The genealogy in Genesis 11 helps students of the Torah to understand Avram more deeply. There is much loss embedded in the in what appears to be a boring list of names, births and deaths. Haran, Avram's brother dies (for no apparent reason) and Sarai struggles with barrenness. It's also important to note that it's Terach who begins the fateful journey to Canaan, but gets stuck in Charan (which sounds like the name of his deceased son). Avram continues to his father's intended destination, moving from Charan and traveling to Canaan. The visual map also gives us clues-- telling us that it is Avram who takes the road beyond the Euphrates, traveling the perilous journey without any obvious sources of water.
Dianne Cohler-Esses217 ViewsSeptember 26, 2023
Save "Sheet 513511"