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מצורע/שבת הגדול - הפרט והכלל
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber25 ViewsApril 9, 2019
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פרשת וישב (Copy)
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber6 ViewsNovember 29, 2018
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פרשת וישב - צדיק יסוד עולם
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber14 ViewsNovember 29, 2018
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וארא - גלות הדיבור
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber32 ViewsJanuary 3, 2019
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וישלח - ביטחון והשתדלות (Copy)
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber10 ViewsNovember 22, 2018
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וישלח - ביטחון והשתדלות
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber15 ViewsNovember 22, 2018
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משפטים - עם סגולה
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber25 ViewsJanuary 29, 2019
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ט״ו בשבט/פרשת בשלח - Living with Geulah
How did B'nei Yisroel go from the depths of the '49 gates of impurity' of Egypt to such a high place that 'even the maidservant had nevuah higher than Yechezkel'? Every Jew has a neshama which is part of G-d, and is always yearning to do the will of HaShem. When we do something out of line, we are always able to do teshuva because we know that our actions come from a place of wanting to do the right thing, even though sometimes a 'foolish spirit' can lead us to do otherwise. There is a part of a Jew that is never touched, that can never descend into the full impurity of Egypt and is always accessible. This essential truth helps to understand how the Jewish people accessed such great heights, because they were truly connected all along. This is a huge part of the understanding of the full redemption. We need to always know that we are worthy and the potential for growth and renewal and greatness is essential to our being. This is also the message of Tu B'Shevat! Even though we can't always see it, we know that the sap is rising, there is greatness blooming. It is important to live with this faith and the mindset of Geulah imminently coming. And finally, Miriam represents all of the Jewish women's strong faith even through dark times. It is up to the women of our generation (and the men, but women have a special energy of faith) to bolster and inspire this faith and responsibility to all of B'nei Yisroel that we are worthy and loved.
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Pesach Halachot - A Deeper Look
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber9 ViewsApril 2, 2019
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The Truth About Punishments - פרשת תזריע
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber18 ViewsApril 3, 2019
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Halachos of Purim - A Deeper Look
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber14 ViewsMarch 17, 2019
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ויקרא - קרבנות, תפילה וגאולה
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber15 ViewsMarch 14, 2019
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ויקרא - קרבנות, תפילה, ושמחה
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber16 ViewsMarch 13, 2019
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Not PublishedJordyn Stauber11 ViewsMarch 13, 2019
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תרומה - קדושת הגוף
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber22 ViewsFebruary 7, 2019
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תרומה - קדושת הגוף (Copy)
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber8 ViewsFebruary 7, 2019
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פרשת יתרו - אנכי ה׳ אלוקיך (Copy)
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber11 ViewsJanuary 24, 2019
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פרשת יתרו - אנכי ה׳ אלוקיך
Not PublishedJordyn Stauber21 ViewsJanuary 24, 2019
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פרשת בא - Sanctifying Time
What is the significance of Rosh Chodesh being the first mitzvah listed in the Torah? We know that within time itself are certain 'energies', that even the Avot were able to celebrate the holidays because of a certain potential that every time has to express that specific holiday. However, the Jewish people actually have been given the ability to "create" and sanctify the new month. This has a powerful lesson in it - that HaShem gives the Jewish people a large role in the world. The Jewish people are to HaShem like the sun is to the moon, so to speak. The sun is always in its perfection and completion. However, its light is only reflected into the world during the night according to the amount that the moon is reflecting. So, while still for a short while we remain in this galut, it is up the Jewish people to reveal the G-dly light inherent in all of existence. That is why it is understood amongst the holy seforim that the Jewish people are the embodiment of the Shechina, which allows the infinite light of HaShem to be expressed in this world. As an ending point, we know that Rosh Chodesh is specifically a women's holiday, as the women remained faithful to HaShem during the golden calf incident. When our emunah is strong, that even when the moon is just a sliver we know that it will soon be full, we are able to reveal the G-dly light within the world.
Jordyn Stauber574 ViewsJanuary 9, 2019Women,Rosh Chodesh,Torah,Months
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